Vernir's Comments

Alienlitter Oki so here is my attempt at a wta for this babe!!! Imma start off with a basic bio <3

Name: Vernir

Nicknames: his mother used to call him Veri-beri when he was younger (he will kill anyone who calls him this now however)

Age: old as hecckerooni created along with the earth as a result of the Big Bang Vernir is approximately 4.543 billion years old

Likes: The dark, rain, swimming, listening to people/creatures playing the harp or the xylophone

Dislikes: pink, fisher men (stealin all of vernir's fish) and moose tranquilizers (it's a long story... Lmao)

Quote: "just because I have wings doesn't mean I'm a chicken, if you mess with me you shall experience a pain so immense and unwavering that you shall find yourself begging for life's ceasefire"


Vernir has always loved music. He especially loves harps and xylophones as the valleys he grew up in contained a fair bit of scrap metal and the sound of the vibrant tones of the xylophone remind him of the sound the scrap metal that littered the place that he spent his youth made when he tapped on them with his claws.

Is he a friendly boy:

-Well yes and no... From an early age Vernir displayed immense anger to those who tried to befriend him. Like most of those who dwell near Devil Island Vernir has spent most of his life alone and prefers it that way! He enjoys exploring Devils island from time to time and hasn't quite gotten use to the idea that the island is being used as a government facility/ school

Additional info:

-He tries to avoid hurting people as much as possible (though there are some exceptions to his generally pacifist nature)

-He has a tendency to forget what he's saying mid sentence

-loves showing off his flight skills

-has the ability to heal wounds (both their own and others)