



Name: Percy

Nickname: Perci 

Race: Robot ( Train) 

Age: 16


Helm: Square. Absolutely excellent Square Lad. Has A Single Antenna.

Optics: A Sandy Gold

Skin: Mellow Mauve

Height: 7.9 M

Build: Box. Friend shaped

Scent: Japanese Fishcakes

Gait: A Friendly and Polite Trot

Clothing/Style: Casual

Style of Speech: Polite

Key Possessions:  His Fishcake Shellcap, His Licenses, A Giant Orca Plushie, A Shell Collection, A Whistle, A Giant Mallet, His Cargo


Social Status: Normal

Occupation: Transportation of People & Goods

Education: The Train Conductor Taught him everything he Knows

Residence: A Train Station not to far from a Marine biology facility 


Likes: Being on time, Orcas/ other Whales, his job, Making new friends, the color orange, Painting, playing with the Train crew, doing his best, puppies, the Ocean, the smell of things being cooked. 

Dislikes: Mean people, Disappointing the team, being locked into his port, The Repair bay, Being lonely, messing up, The scrapyard keeper, Fighting, Pain, Squid, Slime

Hobbies: Painting  

Personality Summary: Percy is an Eager to please Robot train Just sent in by the New Robo Engineering corps. He’s one of the few prototype A.I units sent out to be used by a company’s everyday life and tasks. So This little guy was quite the surprise for the Train company once he arrived.It Was basically like Receiving a Small Child! Always curious and trying to be of help to his superiors. Percy in particular  Has always been fascinated with Marine life so he was Absolutely Ecstatic when he Found out his new home would be connected to  a Marine Biology train station facility. Although Sweet and slightly oblivious, Percy has a nack for getting himself into interesting situations, thus his befriending of 3 Aquatic mammals who came to his recuse when he was attacked by a Giant Squid. Aside from the occasional mishaps and bugs in his system, Percy is a Great companion and will do his best to help no matter what kinda task Arises! 


Friends/Allies: Lillian ( She’s an Orca. ), Pip and Twitch ( Dolphins )  

Enemies/Rivals: The Scrapyard Keeper, Anti-robot Corps 

Family: The Train company, The Robo Engineering corps, The Conductor ( He thinks he’s his dad ) 

Romantic Interest: TBD