


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Soren


Violent • Leader • Protective

Specie Lion
Gender Male
Pride Dustlands
Birth Pride Skylands
Role King
Birthday November 28

Soren is very wary and mistrusted, he gets easily irritated and loves to fight, always opting for violence to protect his family. Has a strong sense of leadership and a good heart, always putting his siblings above his needs.


"Ill fight for what I want!"

Build Average

Fur Stiff

Height 1.21m

Weight 230kg

Pelt Color Persian Orange

Belly color Brandy

Mane color Walnut

Eye color Rifle Green


Distinguishing Features

  • Dark Gradient Nose Fade
  • Back Paw Socks
  • Arm Tuff


  • Scratches on Nose


Soren means Severe and has Latin origins.


The scratches on his nose were caused by Loke, before Soren found the Sunlands.


Soren was born in the Skylands, the heir of the pride, tought to rule since birth. But in a faithful day, a strong male, known as the black demon, killed all the lions of his pride, he managed to run away with his young siblings.


They found a place called Hollowlands, it wasn't pretty, but they didn't had a choice, Soren met a hyena named Iruza that helped them to survive. Then Nei disappeared, they ran around the lands, looking for the cub, they found his surrounded by hyenas, Soren fought against them, but it was too late, Nei was gone.

A fire started in the lands, Soren tried to help, but the brothers ended up separating, Soren heard Makisa's screams and ran to her, he black demon was chasing her, he stood in front of her and she ran away, Makoto came to help and both held Loke, but Makisa felt and was about to fell in the fire, Makoto shouted for Soren to help him and he ran, pushing her back, but Loke threw him and Makoto to the fire. Makisa got angry with him, accused him of letting Nei and Makoto die, then ran far away. He stood close to her, without her noticing. Then Loke appeared, they would surely die if other lions didn't had appeared and saved them, the Sunlands.

All this time they were in the Sunlands territory, the king let them stay in the lands for a time, Soren didn't wanted to stay, but there wasn't much of a choice. He reencontered Shaka and the two started dating for a short time. He got mad with Makisa, she was seing that strange white lion, they fought a lot, him and Shaka too, he ended up leaving the Pride and meting a pretty red lioness named Velvet, they felt in love at the same time. She convinced him to go away and live with her, but he discovered that he wasn't the only lion she was seeing and he broke up with her.

Finish Line

He got back to the Hollowlands and reencoutered Iroza, she had a pup as well, but no mate. Her and Soren got married and he adopted the hyena pup, Imbali. He met a land of lions that fight for what they wanted, Soren got involved with them very fast and became the king's apprentice.

Soren came back to the Sunlands to make peace with his sister and watch her marriage, while on a visit, he met a dark cub and his father, it was Makoto, he was alive!

The cubs grew fast, Soren didn't knew why, but he was very attatched to Niama, and the lion was attatched to him too, but he suddently disappeared, Loke had captured him. Soren called Makoto and Thula to rescue him and they faced Loke in a bloddy battle. In the end, Loke was defeated, but he killed Thula, or that's what he tought, the white lion somehow came back to life, to Makisa's happiness. With the end of the black demon, peace was finally restored, Soren challenged his mentor and became the king of the Dustlands.

Cause of Death: Old age.

OC Origins

The black sheep of the family, I just love bad boys so much, it always been and will always be one of my fav OCs.

First Appearence


Age: N/A

image Link

Last Appearence


Age: N/A

image Link

First Chronological Appearence


Age: N/A

image Link

Video Appearences

Brothers Trailer


[ Father ] Soren loved his father, but hated his lessons, he didn't wanted to rule that land, a least not the way his father rulled.


[ Mother ] Soren could always run for his mother arms when he was sad, she was his confort.


[ Sister ] Soren and Makisa never got along, the two were very different, but he never failed to protect her and be by her side.


[ Brother ] Makoto always got on Soren's nerves, he was too scared and worried about everything, he wanted to force him to be brave, but chickens are chickens.



[ Brother ] Soren never got a close relationship with Nei, he was just one more annoying cub.


[ Ex ] Velvet was fun to hang around, but her heart was open to too many males.


[ Adopted Daughter ] Imbali and Soren got along very well, she was savage like her mother, but respected Soren.


[ Son ] Soren admired his son's courage, he wanted to be his main example.


[ Daughter ] She was alright, Soren didn't really knew how to deal with girls.



[ Son ] Jay was fine, but not as strong and brave as his brother, sometimes Soren forgot about him.


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