Viromil Tathviel



7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


May 2nd






Vaerdet and Mirhosa's second eldest child. After Mirhosa's death and Vaerdet's subsequent breakdown, and with Guelhenthart far away on another of his little cartographical adventures - she felt increasing pressure to keep the household in functional order... and especially, to look after her two younger siblings where her mother had begun to fall negligently short. Viromil would say she went above and beyond what could have been expected of her.

...The unfortunate truth of the situation is that while Llmedha was old enough to be more independent and thus less of a direct issue for her to deal with, the youngest Tathviel child, Rennuid, was not. Their interactions grew increasingly strained. Retrospectively, Viromil began to believe that she'd been losing the chance to live her own life in favor of supporting his far before their father's death - in fact, she felt it had been happening as long as he'd been alive.

...Such a terrible feeling is not to be held fast. Rather, one should chase such notions away like batting at a fly - or chase them down, and find their roots to scour them out; if Viromil thought she had been asked to give her life for her brother, the person to confront oughtn't be a blameless child.

Viromil... did not do this. It was within the fortnight of her conscious epiphany - something like, 'my life is being ruined by my little brother's existence' - that she told him just that. And she would do so again and again, perhaps with different words - whenever her temper flared, in truth she did little to hold back the sentiment.

Certainly if you asked her, Viromil would feel her efforts at sparing him her true feelings were miraculous. Really she got used to the feeling of losing her patience. Just as a familiar path feels shorter than a strange one, the distance between 'calm' and 'you've driven me to where I can't hide my misery anymore' grew shorter and shorter.

It was rare that this ever happened other than when they were alone. There were times Viromil showed such ugliness to Llmedha, but the dynamic was wildly different. One reason was their closer ages, the fact that Llmedha had never truly seen Viromil as a figure of authority over her - and Llmedha's own, more stubborn temperament, compared to Rennuid's considerably meek demeanor at the time. Llmedha still developed a clear sense that her older sister was, well, a total jackass.

..As Rennuid began to avoid home more and more in favor of a strange temple deep in the woods, Viromil's tempests of vitriol took on a new angle: did Rennuid wish to end up like their dead father, throwing himself into the dangers of the wood over and again with no respect to who he'd leave behind? ..But, of course, this did little to cow his desire to avoid home. Indeed, it drove him further to the comforts of a creature happy to pour soothing words in his ear.