
3 years, 11 months ago


Lisa Grace

Name Lisa Grace

Age 16-18

Gender Female

Orientation Pansexual

Occupation High School Student






At the moment, Lisa is still enjoying the extent of her youth and is currently the president of the art club in her school. She's just making the best of her time while slowly but surely carving a path for herself for her future. Someday, she wants to be able to make her own choices in life someday, rather than follow what other people expect of her. She wants to be able to make a name for herself out of her creative interests one day.

Though Lisa is a Finder Nunuke and Finder Nunukes are all about love, her Finder parents tried to see if they could predict love or not. Even though love is known to be an unpredictable and untamed force, they still wanted to try and see, since they themselves were in an arranged marriage once and it worked out for them. They were hoping to see if anything similar would happen with their daughter Lisa, hence why they decided to set her up with a Finder Nunuke boy named Vulcan at a young age. They wanted to see if things could work out between them.

Her parents also happened to own a fancy and popular matchmaking company, so they were all about trying to figure out how to balance business with love. Lisa grew up rich, but that didn't mean that she was spoiled. If anything, she acts like your stereotypical stoner girl, content to enjoy the little things in life.

As of now, Lisa has come to the realization that she might not like Vulcan as much as she wants to, but that's okay. Instead, she's found someone else that she feels her heart beat for and she feels like following her heart rather than what she's expected to do. She's pretty casual and chill in terms of attitude, so she's come to accept this realization pretty quick, throughout her teenage years so far.

  • Lisa is a laidback and easygoing gal. Almost nothing fazes her. But if she ever happens to be bothered over something, she'd rather just give her issues the cold shoulder than actually confront them. Eventually, she'll come around to dealing with them though if they matter that much to her.
  • She believes that you only live life once, so fuck it. Why not enjoy the things that make you happy?
  • She likes to get high. She smokes weed quite a bit. Whenever she takes a drag from a joint, she likes to use this special paper that she'll roll it up in, so her smoke ends up smelling more floral in scent rather than being burnt and bitter.
  • She draws and paints pretty well. Her speciality is traditional watercolors and she can do sketches real fast too.
  • She loves her girlfriend Ame lots.
The Percocet And Stripper Joint
Life is Good
Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe


Value Precious

Species Nunuke

Designer Guppie-vibes

  • Lisa's hair is made out of fluffy pink clouds. Her head is literally up in the clouds LOL.
  • She usually always wears her special pair of pink heart-shaped sunglasses whenever she's going out on a sunny day.
  • Unlike most Nunukes, Lisa actually has hand mouths in the center of her palms too, like a Xynthii. Whenever she gets the munchies, she'll use those to eat extra food.
  • She has incredibly fast metabolism and doesn't gain weight easily.
  • As a Finder, she's pretty good with figuring out whenever other people have feelings for each other, it's just that she doesn't really know how to manipulate any magic dust all that well yet for her age. She'll eventually learn a few tricks along the way once she's done with high school.


Ame is her girlfriend. They first met when Lisa just happened to be drawing in class one day and Ame wanted to draw her a portrait of her snail Molly. Lisa agreed, but on one condition: if Ame did something in return for her back. Lisa would ask for simple little things, like snacks or just providing her with some amusing company. Over time, Lisa and Ame just naturally progressed into being friends before eventually, Lisa would later come to the realization that she was growing romantic feelings for Ame. (Throughout this time, Lisa would also go on to introduce Ame to what smoking weed and shotgunning was. While Ame didn't like smoking, she did still like getting high with Lisa sometimes.) Lisa didn't think her feelings with really go anywhere, so she tried to remain satisfied with a platonic relationship with Ame. However, one day, Ame seemed dejected after one of the members in Lisa's art club tried to flirt with her and Lisa wanted to know what was up and what’s wrong. Once Ame finally admitted to her how she felt, Lisa started to question if what she felt for her romantic or not too. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but she wanted to at least take a leap of faith and see. Things eventually worked out between them and now they're dating, with Lisa basically trying to teach Ame how to be girlfriends along the way. It's not like Lisa is too much of an expert herself either, but she does know about romance and is learning some new things herself as they explore this blossoming relationship together.


Vulcan is someone that she was originally engaged to, they've been set up to marry each other someday since childhood. This sort of arrangement was made shortly after Vulcan's father had divorced his mother. Meanwhile, Lisa's parents believed that love could be predicted depending on early compatibility in life and wanted to see if their theory could be proven right. Out of all the boys that Lisa had ever interacted with, Vulcan was the one that got along with her the most and it was then that their parents both agreed that they should be together. However, as Lisa and Vulcan changed a bit while growing up, their romantic interests strayed away from each other and was instead gravitating towards other people. At one point, Lisa even had some conflict with Vulcan, which led to a few arguments that put their relationship in a negative and iffy light for a while. Eventually, after coming to terms and clearing things up with each other, they both agreed that this wasn't going to work out, but they'll still remain as friends and on relatively chill platonic terms to this day.


Aphelia is a close friend of hers! Both her and Lisa know each other from school. They share a common interest in art. They can relate to one another when it comes to creativity. Lisa thinks that Aphelia is a smart cookie and admires that aspect of her.


Holy shit, Lisa thinks that Fenrir needs to chill. While she does respect that he can be super smart and knowledgeable as the student council president, he’s also like a mean girl villain sometimes and she’s not gonna lie, she’s a little disturbed by that shit. She just hopes to never cross his bad side, yeesh. She also knows him to be Vulcan's boyfriend and honestly, they both fit each other pretty well. They can both be assholes sometimes LOL, but it's whatever.


Cyrus is Fenrir's more chill and nicer younger brother and also Aphelia's boyfriend. Lisa thinks he's pretty cool to talk to. A little out there at times, but that's not a bad thing..