Samster Crimson



7 years, 4 months ago


Samster Crimson
World's scariest veggie
Code by Nyarlylicious. Art by Trix-Master. Please view in full if possible.
Biography sum up
Samster is a troubled as hell otter. Been bullied from day 1 because of her ears. Then kidnapped because of her skills and to spread fear of her land. Broken out of her captor's land and when she arrived she was never really trusted by the people in her homeland because the news spread to their land of her forced killings. Taken in by family, new found friends, and occassionally commissioned by a organization (usually for drug tests). Though after being taken in by her cousin, she got snatched up by a vampire bat and was orignally gonna be that bat's midnight snack, but became essentially a vampire's pet instead thanks to her gauntlets that she recieved from a accident. Later on and a few fights later, she discovers that she biologically related to the father of the vampire family. Making shit awkward for everyone. Because now this mortal otter has a step family of blood drinking, shape shifting, nocturnal vampires.
General Info:
Name Samster Crimson

Age 21

Gender Female

Height 4'9'' (aka short)

Body fit Bottom heavy

Job Off time Assassin

Species Otter, 5% vampiric bat

Sexuality Bisexual

Status Lonely small spoon

Add more I guess?
Alignment Chaotic Neutral





Ear-ring aid:
Thanks to her bat ears, hearing anything sneak but behind her is usually detected. Prepare for your surprise attack not surprising.
Extendo Stabbers
From the wrist of the gauntlets she can extent her hand to an extended reach. Though this requires focus for she has lost the subconsense braincell for that.
Think of these thoughts as limitless light
Exposing closing circuitry of fright
Think of each moment holding this breath
As death minute in decimal
Resident minor how do you plead
We'll need your testimony on the stand Solemnly swear to tell the whole truth
So help you son now raise your right hand
Father your honor may I explain
My brain has claimed its glory over me
I've a good heart albeit insane
Condemn him to the infirmary
All mine towers crumble down the flowers gasping under rubble
Shrieking in the hall of lull thy genius sates a thirst for trouble
Scattering sparks of thought energy
Deliver me and carry me away
Here in my kingdom I am your lord
I order you to cower and pray
Nuns commence incanting as the lightning strikes mine temples thus
Electrifying mine chambers wholly scorching out thine sovereignty
So spiraling down thy majesty
I beg of thee have mercy on me
I was just a boy you see
I plead of thee have sympathy for me
See how the serfs work the ground And they give it all they've got
And they give it all they've got
And you give it all you've got 'til you're down
See how the brain plays around
And you fall inside a hole you couldn't see
And you fall inside a hole inside a
Someone help me
Understand what's going on inside my mind
Doctor I can't tell if I'm not me
When it grows bright the particles start to
Marvel having made it through the night
Never they ponder whether electric
Calming if you look at it right!
Childhood friend and Cousin. Kind of like a brother, a very uptight as hell brother, but a brother no less. Wish he can calm down for 5 seconds.
Odd speaking friend. Torrent found him in the woods. For some reason dislikes the amount of water usage. Hydration is important lad.
Isole "WhiteStorm"
Another friend that Torrent found in the woods. Pretty quiet, but pretty cool to hang with. Absolutely chill with some really messed up things. I guess she just gets it.
Rikka Roo
A professer of genetic science. Probably my most interesting Commissioner. Has a half snake as a asisstant.
Rikka's Asisstant. She's a strange creature. Has venom on her weird teething fangs. Supposedly from a jungle. Doesn't really know how to hold a conversation. She just an out of place noodle and I feel her on that level.
Rikka's inhertied friend? Look I just know I had to help him out of an ice box. Though as a friend he's pretty quiet, sticks out more in the crowd than me. Teaching him about modern stuff is like having a little brother around, except for some reason he's taller than me.
Topaz Crimson
Very scary woman. Don't like her as much as others. Can somewhat understand her, but I know she doesn't like me that much. I like her as much as I can throw her. That is to say I can't throw her, there I don't like her. It doesn't look like she lifts but she can for some reason pick me up without issue.