Taiga Nakamura



4 years, 11 days ago


Name: [ Nakamura, Taiga ]

Gender: [ Female ] 

Ethnicity:  [ American-Japanese ]

Age: [ 15 ]

Year: [ 1st ]

Birth Date: [December 12th]

Height: [ 5’2 | 157.48 ]

Weight: [ 51.3 lb | 23.3 Kg ]

Personal Weaknesses:

Heights: She is terrified of being too far off the ground. She can barely even handle being on the second floor of a build, silly as it may seem.

Motion Sickness: Taiga can handle natural movement, but cars, trains, planes, boat, ect, are a big no for her. There have been times that she just bought a big stuffed animal, and used that to get around.

Sensitive: She can be emotionally hurt quite easily, since she had lived quite a sheltered life as a child.

Personal Strengths:

Determination: When Taiga puts her mind to something, it is quite difficult to change her mind. 

Comforting: Taiga found that she was quite good at making others calmer, usually by giving life to the small stuffed animals she carries with her and making them laugh.

Generosity: Taiga doesn’t carry stuffed animals for herself. She will also give them to people who seem upset,though she mostly does this for children.

Likes: Animals, Cute clothes, Poetry, Hugs, Toys

Dislikes: Cold, Horror movies, Shots, Noisy People, Violence

⇛ Q u i r k  I n f o r m a t i o n

Quirk name: Puppeteer

Quirk type: [ Emitter ]

Quirk Class: [ Support ]

Quirk Description: When Puppeteer is activated, the user can give stuffed toys life, behaving like their living counterparts though they aren’t able to grow or shrink. They use their mind to transmit orders to the toy, or they can just speak.

Quirk Drawbacks: Taiga currently is only able to control 3 toys. Any more, and she will lose energy until she either give up the control on the toys she is controlling or until she passes out. Her emotions may also affect her control, such as the toys becoming more prone to attack other against her orders if she is angry, or refusing to move is she is sad. Also, due to stuffed animals usually being made of weak material, she usually has to use pet toys when battling.


Sneak attack || Single Target || Tells the toy to sneak up on the opponent and jump on either their head, leg, arm, or back, and limit movement. (Incapacitates)

Rescue Climb || Rescue || Depending on the toys size, they can climb up obstacles and get to people that normally would be out of reach, and carry them down. (Resues one person, but weakens the user)

Suit || Power Boost || If a costume or outfit has at least a bit of stuffing, then the user can equip it, give it life, gaining extra strength, speed, protection, etc. (Strengthens the user)

Hug || Buff 1 Ally || Taiga’s most simple move, she hugs her teammate, giving them emotional and mental support. (Mental Support)

⇛ S t a t s

Level : 1

HP : 510 [ base hp, will increase by 25 per Endurance stat and by 10 per level]

Strength: ◆◆◇◇◇◇

Control: ◆◆◆◆◇◇

Intelligence: ◆◆◆◆◇◇

Endurance: ◆◆◇◇◇◇

Speed: ◆◆◇◇◇◇

Total: 14 [ You will gain more skill points as you level up] 

⇛ P e r s o n a l  B a c k g r o u n d















When you first meet Taiga, she appears timid and quiet. She takes a while to warm up to others, though it is much shorter for children, but once she does, she become bolder, much more talkative, welcoming, and cheerful. When in a dangerous situation, she becomes quite serious and protective, unlike usual.


Taiga had always loved plushies, so when she found that her quirk allowed her to work with stuffed toys, she cried happily. Despite all this, not all things were good. Her father was a villain,and would often take her and her older brother Elliot,to meetings with other villains, trying to make them see heros as the true evil. It didn’t work for either of the children, due to others looking down on them and calling their quirks useless. Her parents divorced several years later, and she and Elliot were finally free from the mental abuse. She later found out that her father was arrested for a failed robbery, and she felt much safer. She was closest to her brother, due to them being together almost all the time, so when she received an offer to go to a hero school by the name of Coastal High, she was stuck between staying with her family, or leaving to become a hero so she could prove her father wrong. Elliot managed to convince her to go, but on the day she left, he hugged her, only letting go when she told him she had to go. She is currently attending Coastal High as a first year.   

⇛ E x t r a s

-Taiga has two favorite stuffed animals, a stuffed cat named Kitty who can be found with her quite a lot, and a purple elephant with loose button eyes and messy stitching.

-Her hogwarts house would be Hufflepuff,her patronus a dolphin, and her wand made of willow wood with a unicorn hair core, 11’ and slightly yielding flexibility.

-Her favorite color is pink.

-Her voice is soft and feminine.

-She goes to bed very early.

- Her favorite genre of music is Classical.

-Her favorite form of poetry is Haikus.

-Her prefered nickname is Tai.

-Her personality trait is stuck between ENFJ and ESFJ.

-Her favorite ghost on the ship is Miss Muffet.

-She dressed as a boy one time in order to hide from her father.

-She is Bisexual.

-She has only dated two people, a girl named Hanako, and a boy named Reo. Both ended quite negatively. 

-Her hair is actually brown, she just bleached it.

-She has bad eyesight, and wears glasses, though only when not in public, otherwise she wears contacts.

-Her favorite candy is chocolate.

-She is often late for things.

-She often cries when scared.

-She has an older brother in which she is quite close with

-If she could have a different quirk, she would probably want to have a feline based.

-When she was younger, her brother found a small calico kitten that they named Mitty. The kitten later “ran away”.

(This is an older character, and art is not up to date)