Bane SilverGlass



3 years, 10 months ago


Gender: Male

Status:Low Priority


Romantic Relationship Status: A Fling With Princess Niamia

Relationships: Galena SilverGlass-Daughter       Princess Niamia- Ex?  

Occupation: Monster Hunter/Trapper

Personality: Bane is one of the greatest monster hunter and trappers alive. Known for his infectious personality you can count on him to bring a smile to anyone's face with his silly humor and large grin. Many tell him that this ego makes up for what he lacks in height and he would most certainly agree. Sometimes he can be a bit too brutally honest and can go overboard in risk taking but he has a good heart. He was summoned by Niamia one year and was instantly smitten with the long legged- beauty. After completing his hunt he stayed around and finally (after about 2 months) received the affections of the zebra princess. He later then moved back to his homeland with his young daughter at the request of Niamia. 

Likes: Hunting monsters,scarfs, wildwest movies, the color purple, bad jokes, and trees

Dislikes: Celery

Notable Features:Fairly Young to be a dad, hides a really bad scar under his scarf, 9'o clock shadow, Very smol for a stallion, Killed by a Lamia