Gerard "Zegrath" Leduke



7 years, 5 months ago


One of Topaz's members of her Mercenary group. Commonly known as "Zegrath" by friends, mainly known as "Gerard" by his family and relatives. Zegrath here is a rather rebellious member of his family. His family is rather into upper class things and thus tried their best to raise him into a proper gentleman. By sending him to classes and that one camp where Slivana and Topaz were at and met them (after Topaz backed up Slivana from some upper class bullies). They were pretty friendly with him, although Topaz was a little intimidating to him. He was constantly mocked for the way he is by the other campers that were from upper class families. Being tired with all the snooty stuff he decided to just hang with Topaz and Slivana. Since they were well friendly enough to let him near. After the crazy incident between Topaz and the sergeant. He tried his best to socialize and visit both Slivana and Topaz, but was ever so nervous. Over time he became more comfortable around them. And he normally helps them hunt, beat up Marauders, and help equal out the classes.

【 Name 】 Gerard "Zegrath" Leduke 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】23 【 D.o.B. 】December 26th
【 Origin 】Crimson Kingdom 【 Race 】Vampire Bintoruong
【 Role 】High class rebel 【 Theme 】 link a song

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

-If you are wondering what the heck Zegrath is, he's a binturong. Basically a bear cat.

-He perfers it if you call him Zegrath. He doesn't like his real name.


Topaz Crimson

Friend of Royalty. Taught him manners


Silvana Mistlash

Friend. Met in a camp and they used to not get along.
