Artaxerxes Ladislas Lynch



3 years, 11 months ago






3. FUN



1.1 Summary

Xerx is a powerful and ancient daemonic prince, and he is one of the oldest and most feared beings in the universe. He is over 21,000 years old, and he is one of five siblings who are known as the Princes of Gehenna. He is the eldest of his siblings, Wrath, Gluttony, Vainglory, and Lust, and though they are not blood relatives, they regard each other as siblings due to their shared backgrounds.

Unlike most beings, Xerx is not a single entity, but rather is divided among three separate bodies: Host, Fun, and Work. Each body has its own personality and abilities, and they work together to form a single entity. Host is the oldest of the three bodies, and is the source of Xerx's soul. It is a skilled mage, but has been in a state of hibernation for decades. Fun is the most social of the three bodies, and enjoys participating in activities that may or may not be considered enjoyable. Work, on the other hand, is always hard at work, and is known for being tense and irritable.

The bodies of Fun and Work also have some unique characteristics, as they are dolls. They have no belly buttons, nipples, or visible sex organ. Host and Work both have two scapulae and pectoral muscles, and their ribcages are stronger to support the extra weight of their additional limbs. Host has wings, while Work has an extra pair of arms, giving it a total of four.

As a daemon, Xerx has a number of weaknesses and limitations. He cannot cross bodies of water or consume salt, and holy water burns his flesh. The sight of a cross gives him a migraine, and the sound of celestial music makes his ears ring.

Despite these weaknesses, Xerx is a formidable opponent, and he is not to be underestimated. He is cunning and powerful, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. But despite his dark and malevolent nature, he is also capable of great loyalty and devotion to those he considers worthy. Despite his daemonic nature, Xerxes is a complex and nuanced character. He is often torn between his desire for knowledge and his laziness, and struggles to balance his duties as a prince of Gehenna with his own personal desires.

LIKES 1. Confectionaries, eyeballs and milk
2. Blacksmithing
3. Obedient Individuals
4. Honesty
5. Dragons and Dogs
2. Dismissive or Emotional Individuals
3. Humans, angels and elves
PHOBIAS 1. Heights
2. Gnomes

1.2 Personality

Xerx has an emotionally detached and cold personality, and is incapable of forming emotional connections with others. He may interact with a large number of people in a friendly and professional manner, but he never develops feelings for any of them.

This detachment is further compounded by Xerx's vastly different understanding of time, as he is an immortal being. This means that he may appear to be human, but in reality, he is not even close. He has lost almost all of his humanity, and is aware of this. As a result, he has delegated control of his empire to his generals, who are much more connected to humanity.

Xerx's personality is also shaped by his embodiment of Acedia, one of the seven deadly sins. This is demonstrated by his true self's constant sleep, as well as the negative effect he has on those around him. People become irritable and their lives crumble in front of them, whether they want it or not. Additionally, Xerx has a strong desire for gold, and will use it to corrupt those around him.

Overall, Xerx is a powerful and formidable being, but he is not someone to be trusted or relied upon. His cold and detached nature makes him a dangerous and unpredictable ally, and it is best to avoid him whenever possible.

Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

1.3 Concept art

Concept art

(Concept art phase)


This is Acedia's actual body. In contrast to the porcellain dolls Fun and Work, Host is a real living creature. He has two scalupulas, well-developed pectoral muscles, and a strong ribcage. This is because he carries a pair of dark angelic wings on the back of his body. Furthermore, a black lion's tail grows from his coccyx region. He also has monstrously sharp teeth, elf-like ears, and dark, sharp nails. He even has five horns and pupils in his eyes that are shaped like W's. He is constantly in a deep sleep, and his body is in an anorexic state. His hair is curly and crimson in color, with a black patch flowing from his forehead.

During his life, Xerxes decided to genetically modify himself. To begin with, he never had a belly button. He was never born and therefore never received the marking. Later, when plane hopping, he discovered a different set of genitalia. Without going into detail, I'll just say that he doesn't have a man's crotch.

Host in modern clothing

(Adult, short hair)

Host as child


Through his dreams, Host has control over Fun and Work, and is known as the patron of dreams and invention in Gehenna. He is revered by the common folk demons, who frequently sacrifice confectionaries to him in the hopes of receiving his boons. If they wish to go a step further, they may strike a bargain with Xerxes, however he is not known to make many.

Host resides in a well-fortified manor called Aulgyrhof, which is imbued with strong magic. As a powerful mage, Host is skilled in spatial magic, and the rooms, hallways, and doors of his manor never lead to the same place. The manor itself is a blend of real-space and woven-space, and is a testament to Host's incredible magical abilities.

3. FUN

Fun is one of Xerxes' three bodies, and is known for his love of fun and adventure. He is often seen with his neatly braided crimson hair, which is decorated with a variety of trinkets, rings, and ribbons. He also has black daemonic features, such as jagged horns and a fluffy lion's tail, which are often jeweled.

Fun is often seen wearing a set of rings on his horns that are linked by golden flakes, and when he goes on adventures, he typically wears dark, heavy armor and wields an enchanted sword named Fera.

Fun is known for his ability to shift shapes and styles, adapting to whatever he finds entertaining at the time. He can appear as a long-haired elf, a black-haired human, or any other form that strikes his fancy. His fighting style also shifts depending on his form, and he is equally skilled in both physical combat and magic.

When using magic, Fun employs runes, which each serve a specific purpose and have a distinct style.

Fun in armor

(Fun in armor)

Fun, Work

(Fun with the personality of Work)

Fun often shifts shapes and styles, adapting to whatever he finds entertaining at the time. Sometimes he appears as a long-haired elf, other times as a black-haired human. The general appearance always stays the same, though, no matter what.

This is where his fighting style drastically shifts from all-magic to more physical and tanky. He employs runes whenever he performs magic. In fact, each of these runes serves a specific purpose and has a distinct style.



Work is one of Xerxes' three bodies, and is known for his tireless work ethic and efficiency. His four arms make him an incredibly efficient worker, and he is able to handle multiple tasks at once with ease. He is an expert at multitasking, and is able to work quickly and efficiently on any task that he is given.

In addition to his four arms, Work also has a monocle, which he uses to inspect his work and ensure that it is of the highest quality. He takes great pride in his work, and is known for his attention to detail and perfectionism.

Despite his incredible work ethic, Work is prone to extreme emotional swings, and can become violent if provoked. As a result, he should be kept alone at all times, in order to prevent any potential outbursts.

Work is particularly skilled at handling paperwork, and is able to complete large amounts of paperwork very quickly, thanks to his four arms. He is a valuable asset to Xerxes' empire, and is respected for his tireless work ethic and dedication to his tasks.

Host in modern clothing



5.1 General

Xerxes was originally an angel. After the big bang, space didn't look like much. It was made up of colliding atoms, space dust, and the eventual formation of planets. Though there was another presence here. Many of them, in fact! The aforementioned space dust eventually gained consciousness through a train of intelligent thought. Life.

Those were the first angels. They had originally existed as mere concepts and floated about the nothingness of space. And then came Terra, and with it, many other planets. The intelligent minds of these creatures drew the angels to them, with each planet acquiring a different set of angels.

Eventually, the likeness, number, and thought patterns began affecting the angels. They began to think just like humans, even taking on their forms. And with it came corruption.

At this point, humanity had drawn many angels to their planet. They eventually decided to migrate to a different (but adjacent) plane of existence, called Ortia. Using the millennia of knowledge, they had developed a society, one far superior to anything humans had achieved.

Ortia had a god and six ruling seraphims, which were the only ones allowed to see him. And one day, tragedy struck. The seraphims began losing their minds and committed a variety of sins against humanity.

As such, the high court decreed them to be traitors and set them for execution. And so they were.

However, something unexpected happened: Their souls were far too strong to entirely decimate. And as such, they were reborn as the first daemons, holding absolutely no memory of their previous experiences. And nothing good happens when a child has this sort of power...

5.2 Details

1900 - 1500 BC

The history of Xerxes is not a happy one. His memories begin in a grassy area during the early Babylonian period. He awoke in the body of an 8-year-old, with no knowledge of the outside world. He has no recollection of what he was thinking at the moment, if any at all. Is it possible to think without using language? He is unable to respond. But one thing is certain: he noticed a column of smoke in the distance after learning to sit and stand. He went in that area because he was interested, or possibly even predatory by nature, as a daemon is.

He struggled for days to attain his goal, always seeming to fall asleep involuntarily. And, to his chagrin, the column never got any closer. That is, until he had been looking for it for a couple of months. At that point, a group of hunters from the nomad tribe discovered him. They decided to take him to their town and give him to the local elder after being impressed by his crimson hair. This is when Xerxes learned of humanity's brutality. He'd been a feral "possession" for hundreds of years. Sometimes he was exploited as a field slave by his owner, sometimes he was considered a treasure, and sometimes he was simply confined in a dismal cage.

900 BC

Xerxes gained some insight prior to Babylon's second wave of regional control. The daemon advanced in magic during King Solomon's reign during the construction of the Babylonian tower. It came easily to him, almost like a rush of water. And it was here that he discovered one of his most crucial abilities: Xerxes didn't require vocal or material components to conjure magic. The scholars of old were astounded by this and began meticulously studying him. For the first time in his life, Xerxes felt valuable. He lived well, was respected, and was well cared for. However, no matter how hard anyone tried to teach him, nothing seemed to stick. He struggled greatly with learning and remembering things. In some ways, he was like a beast, living from one day to the next, helplessly tossed around by the winds of the world's evolution. For some reason, he was always separated from it.

Somewhere along this point in time, he was sent to Egypt for further study. And it was here that he first encountered one of his siblings, Anubis, now known as Mariam. Unlike the tragic Xerxes, he enjoyed a somewhat opulent upbringing. After all, the ancient Egyptians considered him to be a god. And it was here that Xerxes began to learn for the first time. He soon developed cognitively after being taken under the wing of a patient peer. Babylon struck an agreement with Egypt, and Xerxes was returned to his country after being educated.

700 ~ * BC

He fell into the hands of the Assyrians at the conclusion of Babylon's reign. This was the point at which his universe had degenerated into pandemonium. War was practically constant, not to mention that the conflict forced Assyria to fall as well. After escaping his captors, Xerxes became lost in the immensity of the world for decades. He traveled, learned new things, and matured as a person.

* BC

Xerxes lived through the collapses of many nations. During this time he met all of his siblings and discovered a new world: Gehenna. After Judas' execution, his body was buried in the valley of Gehenna, a place known for its instability and dark energy. As his blood seeped into the ground, it created a permanent rift between the realm of Gehenna and Terra, the world of humanity.

This rift allowed beings from Gehenna, such as feral daemons, to cross over into Terra and interact with humanity. Xerxes, a powerful daemon who was born after the seraphims of Ortia were executed for committing sins against humanity, was one of the first to cross over into Gehenna.

Together with his sibling, Lust, Xerxes set out to conquer the realm of Gehenna. Many died in this conquest, falling to the power of the feral daemons. But eventually, even Gehenna herself was tricked and fell, leaving behind an entire world for Xerxes and Lust to rule. Today, the realm of Gehenna is a dark and dangerous place, ruled by Xerxes and his siblings, and those who dare to enter it do so at their own risk.

Eventually the angels had noticed that Gehenna's influence seeped into Terra far too intensely to ignore. As such, they invented organised religion and began a holy war. They equipped humans with many ways of combatting daemons, which is where exorcism derives from. All of Soul Theory is presented from a human POV/bias.


The Princes of Gehenna, including Xerxes, are a different kind of daemon than those naturally inhabiting Gehenna at the time of her conquest. While both types of daemons use energy in similar ways, the Princes are able to make pacts with other creatures. This allows them to gain even more power and influence.

In contrast, the feral daemons of Gehenna are entirely creations of the realm, and they act and look more like animals. They are not able to make pacts with other creatures, and as a result, they are generally considered to be severely weaker than the Princes.

The Princes of Gehenna are feared and respected for their power and cunning, but the feral daemons are often seen as little more than wild beasts. Despite this difference in power, the Princes must still be cautious when dealing with the feral daemons, as they are numerous and can be dangerous when provoked.


During medieval times, Xerxes was captured by a group of exorcists who were determined to rid the world of daemons. They were able to use their knowledge of ancient rituals and magic to bind Xerxes' power and will to their own, effectively jailing him within a binding circle.

With Xerxes under their control, the exorcists sent him to participate in the crusades. His immense power and demonic abilities made him a valuable asset in the wars, and he was used as a weapon against the enemies of the church.

Despite being forced to fight against his will, Xerxes was able to maintain some degree of autonomy. He used this to his advantage, manipulating those around him and playing both sides against each other in order to further his own goals.

After the Crusades, Xerxes was passed down from one exorcist family to the next. He was treated as a familiar, a servant who could be used to protect them from daemons and other supernatural threats.

One day, Xerxes was sent to inspect a pocket dimension that was owned by the wealthy exorcist siblings Raudolf and Wrenley Warmoon. This was his opportunity to escape from his captors and return to Gehenna, where he split himself into the bodies of Fun and Work.

The experience of being held captive by the exorcists made Xerxes overly cautious. He was determined to never be caught and controlled again, and he used his intelligence and cunning to outmaneuver anyone who threatened him.


From that point onwards Xerxes had split himself among three bodies and kept his real self safe from the big bad world in his manor. He sends Fun around to get his entertainment and has Work take care of any business within his empire of Geire.


6.1 Important characters and Xerxes' relationship to them

  1. Ahriman Fynn

    Ahriman Fynn was once a mortal woman, a skilled blacksmith and warrior. She lived a simple life in a small village until she caught the eye of Xerxes, the powerful daemon. Xerxes was drawn to her strength and skill, and offered her a deal. In exchange for eternal servitude, he would grant her immortality and power beyond her wildest dreams.

    Ahriman accepted the offer, and was transformed into a suit of armor possessed by flames. She became Xerxes' head maid, working alongside other maids in his manor, Aulgyrhof. Aulgyrhof was a place of wonder, created by Xerxes himself by bending space and time.

    Ahriman's servitude to Xerxes was eternal, and she vowed to serve him with unwavering loyalty. She followed a strict set of protocols, speaking in Shakespearian and always trying to impress her master. She was in love with Xerxes, but he did not share her feelings.

    Despite her unrequited love, Ahriman continued to serve Xerxes with the utmost dedication. She worked tirelessly in Aulgyrhof, making sure that everything was perfect for her master. She knew that her loyalty and devotion would one day be rewarded, and she was content to wait for that day.

  2. Wrenley Warmoon
  3. Raudolf Warmoon

6.2 Other characters