Inventor (Interpretations)



These are interpretations from other alien cultures of what Inventor looks like, acts like and his combinations.

Drakgo Culture

A lot Drakgoes never heard of Inventor and will probably never hear about him.

Cephalogo Culture 

Most Cephalogoes never heard of Inventor and will probably never hear about him.

Amphatron Culture

A lot of Amphatrons never heard of Inventor and will probably never hear about him.

Flook Culture

Most Flooks haven't heard of Inventor and some would have known about him though other cultures.

Kamegon, Koijin and Polargon Culture

Most Kamegons haven't heard of Inventor and some would have known about him though other cultures. A lot of Koijions and Polargon have heard of Inventor but only know him as the fateful companion to their deity, so their don't worship him mainly.