


3 years, 11 months ago


~??? Asterian years

(Appearance ~14)

4'9" (144.78 cm)
Fairy Vial


Current Residence
Clockwork Melodia


Mysterious • Enigmatic • Shy • Fantastical • Caring

Living in a small clock shop with her twin sister, Evelyn, Aurelia is a girl who might be wheelchair bound, but still has a big heart that soars. Whether it's making clocks or writing stories, she spends most of her time bound to the wheelchair she's in, taking care of her sister Evelyn. However, deep down Aurelia despises her sister for being able to fly while she can't. Because of this, a growing darkness has become present in Aurelia's heart. Jealousy is a fickle thing that consumes even the brightest souls, and Aurelia is no exception.

Aurelia and Evelyn own Melodia Clockcraft in Clockwork Melodia. Aurelia works the back of the shop, making and repairing the special clocks owned by each resident of Clockwork Melodia. Evelyn works the front of the shop, greeting customers and helping them find the clock just for them. By adding a drop of a Fairy Vial’s magic to a clock, it transforms to a one-of-a-kind piece made just for the use of FV who owns it.

Filler • Space & Time

Liquid/Domain • None

Appendage • Pocket Watch Halo

Vial Shape • Gem in Neck Brooch & Hair Pin


  • Writing
  • Stars
  • Evelyn
  • Horology


  • Nosy People
  • Ruined Food
  • Evelyn
  • Hunters
"I'll take care of it...."



Enigmatic, fantastical, and mysterious, Aurelia radiates the energy of someone very mature for her (physical) age. Having seen way too many things for this world, it has lead her to become a realist at heart, yet she still remains some of that child-like wonder that her human life had brought her. Enigmatic, she tends to speak in a softer, lower voice that makes it hard to interpret or understand her words. To combat this, she has taken to journaling her feelings and emotions out. It is unknown whether or not she will share this journal to anyone. Mysterious, she brings to life a colder atmosphere to those just meeting her. It's because of her personality that has lead Evelyn to not see just how jealous Aurelia has gotten over her sister.


If asked about Evelyn, Aurelia will oftentimes give a blank stare and say she loves her sister. A lot of times when saying this, a more colder atmosphere will grow around her. Always having been in her sister's shadow because her sister can fly, Aurelia has grown cold and a bit disdainful of her. However, when it is just the two of them together, Aurelia hides her true feelings and masks it with a smile when deep down she is hurting very much so. Jealousy plagues Aurelia when it comes to her sister, and her heart aches when someone pays more attention to her sister than her. She just wishes someone would care for her just like they do her sister.


In order to vent her frustrations and jealousies when it comes to her sister, Aurelia has taken to journaling out her thoughts, feelings and ideas. Hiding it between books about clockmaking, her journal has sat and has only been found by her. Locked just like her heart to the world, it is unknown if she'll ever show it to anyone. It is in this case that secrets are to be left hidden from the rest of the world and only known by her.


Born and raised within an orphanage in a small town in Asteria, Aurelia and Evelyn were two girls that were very much well taken care of and loved. Both living peaceful lives sitting within the local library and reading fairy tales together, the two were very happy. However, it was a dark night when they awakened to the smell of smoke within the orphanage. With a Hunter attack happening outside, the two could do nothing but cling to each other as the flames consumed the collapsing orphanage around them. Later, the cries of Evelyn were heard and the two were found beneath the rubble. However, both Aurelia's wings and her ability to use her legs were lost while protecting her sister from the collapsing building.


• Soft dark blue eyes with glowing white pupil

• Platinum blonde hair that falls to about shoulder length in a blunt cut.

• Bluntly cut, front part is longer than back, blunt cut bangs that are parted to the right (viewer's left) side of the head.

• The vials are abstract concepts, so they can be drawn however desired.


• Trivia facts here

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

• Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit

• Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

• Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

• Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.

Magic & Abilities


Horology: Experienced in the art of making clocks and watches.

Magic Spells





Love-hate relationships are something that Aurelia hates about her relationship with her sister. She both loves her yet despises her for not feeling the pains that she feels and the weakness she feels being stuck in her wheelchair. Unbeknownst to Aurelia, Evelyn heavily blames herself for the reason that Aurelia is stuck in her wheelchair, and together the both have a strained relationship. The two hide their own feelings between forced smiles and cheerful natures.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

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