


3 years, 10 months ago


Here to steal yur gf

Tanner is one of Master Maos top students (The top student, by her own account) who has studied under him for many years, since she was a child. She participates in every martial arts tournament she can, and delights in showing off her amazing strength and control. Particularly to cute girls, and particularly to cute girls who are out with their partners. Tanner has an odd fascination with seducing women away from their partners, a bad habit that Mao has repeatedly chided her for. She's very proud, and loves to outperform anyone who would challenge her.

Which is why she's so vexed by Sock. She and Sock were rivals, briefly, under Mao when they were younger, and Tanner was livid that, despite starting their study under Mao years after her, Sock was somehow stronger. Even today, Tanner still considers herself Socks rival, and has vowed to put an end to their reign of terror.

Theme song is Girls in Bikinis by Poppy