
“The glass is always full because the other 50% is filled with air.”

  • Luetta Urbain 


Element: Lutetium 

Atomic Number: 71

Atomic Mass: 174.967 u 

Given Name: Luetta Urbain

Name Origin: Luetta just sounded like Lutetium, Urbain was the name of the discoverer 

Name Origin (In-Universe): Luetta means ‘daughter of Llewellyn’, Urbain is the Francization of the surname Trefol, meaning ‘city-dweller’ 

Height: 5’0”/153 cm 

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Attracted to horses- I mean, gay or something like that 


Enneagram Type: 5w4

Apparent Age: Ambiguously early teens 

Ethnicity: Welsh

Nationality: Fustrarumish 

Place of Residence: In the Litenstad in New Stockholm 

Title(s): Princess of Fustrarum

Occupation: Member of the Fustrarumish noble family 

Tag: SeatedVanity71

Hobbies: Reading scholarly articles about breakthroughs in physics, riding horses (the normal way you pervert), screaming at people who claim to have IQs of 1000


From a young age, it was more than clear that Luetta Urbain wasn’t your...average child. She was unusually insightful, abnormally adept, frightfully intelligent, and most of all, a rabid horse girl. (Not for the reasons you’d like to think.) Urbain often shied away from the limelight, preferring to conduct her own research on her own time and on her own conditions. She contributed massively to early Donecmunian science, often collaborating directly with Hydrogen to help interpret and apply old scientific information from Earth that had been brought along to the Donecmuna with little explanation or understanding. 

It wasn’t until she moved to Emalia that she slipped on a rock at the beach and shattered a few of her vertebrae, the shards puncturing her spinal cord and rendering the lower half of her body paralyzed. Or that’s the story she LIKES to tell. A few people are convinced that a horse kicked her in the back, but since X-rays didn’t exist 3500 years ago, we can’t know exactly what the trauma looked like. What we CAN know, however, was that she was alone on that beach and there were no horses in sight. At least, that’s the account Luetta LIKES to give. 

We really can’t know.

As time progressed, Luetta’s youthful appearance proved to be a hindrance in some ways, but an advantage in others. Rarely ever was her word taken seriously, and even if she was demonstrably RIGHT and had empirical evidence as well as theoretical principles that supported her ideas, it always took the word of an older guardian or authority to convince the masses. On the flip side, if Luetta wanted to plot someone’s death and the plot was successful, rarely ever was a suspect, or indeed, even connected with the plot at all, since she was really just the one pulling the strings and rarely ever the one carrying out the assassinations. Of course, Urbain didn’t always use her presumed innocence for the purpose of killing, but the aforementioned example was really just a model that could really be applied to a majority of other plots of questionable morality. 

Currently, Urbain resides in the Fustrarumish palace in her own private quarters. She confesses that the best perk of being a part of the Fustrarumish royal family is access to all kinds of hardware, software, machinery, and facilities free of charge or at a discounted price. Though other nobles tend to take one of two sides- treating her like a literal baby because she’s disabled and young, or treating her terribly because she’s vulnerable and can’t run away -Luetta rarely complains, seeing their petty antics as nothing more but repressed feelings of adoration or jealousy. 

Also, she takes lessons from her mother about astronomy and how to program telescopes to identify stars with planets in habitable zones. 

Because they’re definitely not helping Hydrogen fit that last puzzle piece into place.

Definitely not. 


Urbain is methodical and painstakingly scientific, sometimes to a fault. She absolutely hates to see illogic and assumption-making, especially when the subject making such assumptions has not made a clear effort to see as many sides of the story as possible. When dealing with anything she deems worthy of dissection and investigation, she sometimes second-guesses herself, or backtracks because she’s worried she’s missed something important. This leads to her taking FOREVER to get stuff done, and hence, forever to get out of her room. Her mother never pushes her, unless there’s something urgent.

Methodical does not always equal exact. Luetta makes generous room for error, as long as she knows what she’s done wrong and is confident she can correct it. However, she always prefers it that SHE is the one to correct her errors, and absolutely can’t stand anyone pointing out issues for her. 

Oh, and she becomes VERY angry if you diss horses.

Horses are everything to her. 


Ytterbium - Her mother with an IQ of 1000 

Samarium - Her friend in the palace who forces her to sword fight even though she doesn't want to 

The Frat Boys (Dy, Ho, Er) - Her ARCH NEMESES 

Phosphorus - A friend in the making, possibly more…too bad she isn’t a horse 

Cyfrinach - Her horse, nothing to see here. Even though her name means ‘secret’, uh, nothing secret is going on between them 


Lutetium’s yellow/blue gradient scarf is a reference to the yellow of kuliokite.

She’s wheelchair bound as a reference to the original name for Lutetium, Cassiopium. Cassiopeia was gifted a throne that she was bound to by Poseidon. The blue of her dress is also supposed to resemble the night sky, since Cassiopeia is a constellation. 

The wheelchair is white is a reference to how Cassiopeia’s throne was supposedly marble, at least in French depictions. Since Lutetium is named after Paris, it makes sense. 



