Alban Schneider



7 years, 5 months ago



Name: Alban Schneider 

Age: Appears 25

Sex: Male 

Sexuality: Bicurious 

Species: Staeria

Height: 7 feet tall 

Weight: 178 lbs


Likes: Tea, bright colors, anatomy, sugar, masochism. 

Dislikes: Himself, large groups, small places, being questioned. 

Personality: Asocial, manipulative, curious, defiant, bitter, easily angered, anxious. 

Traits: Broken Horns, Multicolor ornaments, single color eyes, dog tail, shaped cavity, pastel galaxy, goop halo, no wings 

Quote: "well dearest, would you like a cup of tea? :)" 

Relationship status: In a relationship


 Creator: iucid-insanity <3





 Kioko Myoujii : Girlfriend

Modella : Friend


Qurinn : Friend


If you would like to associate your character(s) with Alban, feel free to let me know! <3



Alban was created somewhere near Pluto, but it is unknown as to exactly where. It is said he was born of a white hot star that has combusted, and this alone had given him his well known unstable mind. He went around, exploring planets and "experimenting" with their inhabitants. Whenever he came across another Staeria, he became frightened, feeling threatened, even. This is what caused him to keep himself isolated from people. He began to read to pass the time.

At some point, he stumbled across Kioko. He was on a foreign planet, studying the functionality of a plant, when he moved towards a cliff to see her, just standing there. She hadn't noticed him. He was curious of her, wondering who she was and where she had come from. He had not seen very many Staeria up until this point, and had never seen one with wings. As he approached, Kioko simply sat down, seemingly unaware of his presence. As he got close, she spun around and grabbed him, pinning him to a rock and yelling, "Who the fuck are you?!" She seemed startled and upset. "Coming from the one who's attacking me!" He moved to shove her off, but she seemed stronger than he thought. She scanned his face, looking for clues as to who he was, and then saw his galaxy, barely poking out from his shirt collar. "Y-you're... a Staeria..?" She backed away, slightly unnerved. "What's it to you? Why he hell are you here?" He snarled, brushing dust from his shirt. She crossed her arms defiantly. "Why are you here?" She retorted. Alban felt her ego swell the longer he stayed silent. "Touché," he muttered. From there they spoke. He found that she was a runaway, trying to find her place in this universe. He related to her.


From there, they stayed together, wreaking havoc on small scale and exploring the worlds around them.