


4 years, 11 days ago


Date received: 25/06/2020

Name: Capricorn

Gender: Male

Admin: MidnightShadowWolf


Mate: Galene


Owner: MMad Hatter

Mate criterion: 






Extra: His parents are Aquarius and Xiuhcoatl. He was raised primarily by his mother as Xiuhcoalt is cold-blooded and spends much of his years asleep. Capricorn too is cold-blooded unlike his mother, and cannot surface in cold areas at risk for falling asleep. He prefers swimming deep underwater or in tropical waters where it is warm enough for him to splash onto a rock to enjoy the sun. Once in a blue moon Xiuhcoatl is awake enough to travel to a beach, and there is a tiny chance Capricorn will get to meet him. They often miss each other though. Xiuhcoatl is too tired even with sufficient heat to stay out for too long and will return to his hole within a few hours of leaving it.

Man I wrote so much about him but I lost the notebook so I guess I'll have to wing it TvT 

Capricorn likes to explore and meet new soulkeepers. Soulkeepers with no tail is often an astonishment and exotic to him because he cannot comprehend not having such an important limb, and soulkeepers with four legs admittedly look very weird to him. 

He likes to swim upside down. Is enamoured with Galene and so in love with her. Adores her and loves to snuggle up with her and whisper compliments and praise. Likes to dig and horse around with the kids and roll in the sand and discover interesting objects. Loves to gift gifts to Galene, Isn't fond of new things, would absolutely band backwards to break his spine for his mate. Absolute mama's boy and was attached to her side for most of his childhood and adolescent years. The first thing he did when meeting Xiuhcoalt was to insult him, call him an old man and curse him for leaving his mother.