Matsuya Kyoko



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Matsuya Kyoko










PR and HR


Kyoko is another AI from a video game a young scientist calling himself Percy Penders programmed in his free time. Like the others her AI programming progressed to sentience.

Kyoko is a side character from the game, an energetic and positive girl who always had an easy time connecting to others and making friends. She's always been a bleeding heart who tries to help others anyway she can. Her in game backstory was that she was a girl hired to be one of several models for a large racing agency, she was the face of one facet that focused on hoverboard racing. She joined several races so she could be someone who actually took part in what they did instead of just looking pretty for it. Her parents weren't keen on her having such a job and wanted her to take over her family's gym. Her father was a retired kick boxer so she's very skilled in the fighting style.

She has a very sisterly relationship with Kuya and is very devoted to supporting things he does, once they were downloaded into cybernetic bodies and the world had the catastrophe she became seen as a loving and kind force among the Neon cult that gravitated to and was used by Kuya. She develops a place in the mythos as the Neon God's Light who represents kindness and healing, this happened because Kuya told the cult this. Kyoko feels strange being thought of this way but tries her best to live up to it.

She's a very sincere girl that does her best to help others, she's considered a gap in the armor of the gang by outsiders. So far her demeanor has kept her out of danger and mostly ignored by people on the outside due to perceived unimportance. She is seen as a sweet, pretty face trying to cover for a gang and really nothing effective.

She's one of the few who have said they've seen Kuya's wife.

Much like Kuya she struggles with logic changes from a game to a human environment but as an NPC she doesn't struggle with invisible walls as much as he did but sometimes gets surprised when, what are considered backroom rooms, have things in them.

Also like Kuya she has a few of abilities that are strange for a cybernetic body like hers but are easier to explain as robotic modifications.