Maz Matthews



3 years, 11 months ago



Name Maxwell Matthews
Age 26
Gender Male
Height 6'5
Build Tall and Sickly
Race Corrupted Human


Maz Matthews is a former music store clerk who was fired for his drug use and unstable attitude. His personality is naturally edgy, he doesn’t care about other people or what they think, he doesn’t even care about himself. After the unfortunate death(suicide ?) of the girl he planned to marry, Maz relapsed. He tried to get out of his own head and to have one thought that wasn’t about her, but he couldn’t do it alone. So he spent his money on drugs and liquor. Eventually his addiction led to him getting fired, he would come in high, if he even came in at all, was rude to the customers, and stole a guitar. Once he was fired he quickly ran out of money and started living in an alleyway. Life was hard for him but his saving grace came in the form of a paper ad for a ~free~ self help camp. It offered a bed to sleep in and a chance to reform himself, he only cared about the bed.

At the self help camp Maz met The Mushroom Man (design still pending), a mysterious man who looked horribly sickly. The man insisted Maz wore a mask or at least stood a ways away from him, but the way the man smelled reminded Maz of his medicine. Eventually Maz made himself at home in the mans house, enticed by the mans scent and what that scent did to him. Over time his skin became greener, his hair became thicker and longer, and at one point a small tail began to grow. Because Maz did not listen to the man when he said to stay a ways away from him, and after months of breathing the fungus mans spores, Maz would never be the same again.

His “fungal” form differs from his human form quite vastly. For starters his human form was a lengthy 6’4 pale man, he was skinny and his skin was littered with acne, bruises, punctures, and cuts. His hair reached his mid back and covered his eyes enough that you couldn’t tell they were red. Quite frequently his face was littered with scratch marks. Now that he is corupted his skin is a greenish-yellow, and his hands are a darker green along with his nose and feet. He sprouted a tail that resembles a worm and helps him digest dirt, human foods are hard on his stomach now. His hair grew to un-manageable lenghths and since he can't go into to town to get it cute, it just continues to grow longer. Mushrooms occasionally grow through his skin, and some bugs like to take home in it. He's too high to notice.


birthday June 6
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
Sign Gemini
Flower Moss
color Black



  • Song writing and playing the guitar
  • His ex Chelsie Lynn Paisley
  • Moodshifters/Hallucinogens  
  • Walking in the mud 



  • Loud and whiny children
  • Overbearing and judgmental people
  • Living in the city
  • Fleas
  • Lives in a tree
  • Cannot wear tight clothes, breathes through his skin



Mood Board
