


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Hillevi Unn "Violet"





Relationship Status❧

Open to Possible Relationships

Sell Status❧




❝No being can do everything, but anyone can do something.❞


♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚


↬ First Name ↫

➳ Hillevi

➳ Meaning = Happy in war


↬ Middle Name ↫

➳ Unn

➳ Meaning = Beloved one


↬ Last Name ↫

➳ Technically, Violet doesn't have one. When people ask, she just says her last name is Unn.


↬ Nickname/Alias ↫

➳ Violet

➳ She hates the meaning of her first name, and therefore goes by an alias.


↬ Age ↫

➳ 1,972

➳ Violet always appears to be around 20. Valkyries age very slowly, so she'll probably be like this for a while!


↬ Birthday ↫

➳ July 14th


↬ Zodiac ↫

➳ ♋️️Cancer♋️️

➳ Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this sign are 'roots' kinds of people, and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them.


↬ Personality Type ↫


➳ The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats, they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait – INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

➳ INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.


↬ Alignment ↫

➳ Lawful Good

➳ A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.

➳ Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.

➳ Lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.



↬ Height ↫

➳ 5'1"

➳ Violet doesn't really mind being short. She can just fly up to reach things, after all!


↬ Gender ↫

➳ Female


↬ Orientation ↫

➳ Asexual


↬ Species ↫

➳ Valkyrie

➳ Valkyries are creatures from old Norse mythology, and they are female figures who decide who can live and who can die in battle. Although, as a modern Valkyrie, Violet decides who lives and dies in everyday life, or everyday "battles".


❝I've tried tying a red string around my finger so I remember, but I forgot it was even there!❞


♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚


↬ Skin Color ↫

➳ Tanned


↬ Eye Color ↫

➳ Brown


↬ Hair Color ↫

➳ Brown on the top, blonde on the bottom!


↬ Hair Style ↫

➳ Long and fluffy


↬ Scars ↫

➳ None


↬ Piercings ↫

➳ None, not even her ears. She's too scared to get her ears pierced.


↬ Wings ↫

➳ Two small-ish wings, the right one having more brown feathers than white feathers.


❝Life is like a cactus; prickly but very beautiful.❞


♚ C L O T H I N G ♚


↬ Outfits ↫

➳ Her usual outfit is a plain white shirt and plain black shorts with a mint colored hoodie with gold accents. She also wears plain black boots and one long, turquoise sock on her right leg that has while polka dots. Other than that, Violet doesn't have much. She has a few shirts of different plain colors and her favorite shirt, a white shirt with a rose design on it. She also has a couple pairs of jean shorts and skirts, but she doesn't wear those often.

➳ For pajamas, Violet usually just sleeps in her shirt and maybe some pajama pants. She doesn't have many pajamas. She wishes she did though. Some of the stuff she sees in stores looks so fluffy and comfortable.


↬ Accessories ↫

➳ Violet almost always carries around her cross necklace. Even though she isn't religious, Violet still wears the necklace. She likes to grip it in her hand when she's stressed. Something about rubbing her fingers over the smooth, silver surface is relaxing to her.

➳ She also likes wearing her headphones around her neck because she thinks they make her look "cool", although they sometimes get tangled in her hair and can become a nuisance. The headphones are Bluetooth, so no cord. Violet finds the technology incredible!

➳ Violet also has some hair clips. Her hair clips have cute things on them like hearts and stars. She mainly wears them when she wants to keep her fluffy hair out of her face.


❝We should shed our past mistakes like how snakes shed their skin.❞


♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚


↬ Description ↫

➳ Violet is an awkward, quiet bean who usually keeps to herself. She isn't good in conversation and often stutters and things like that. She blushes a lot and fidgets. Although quiet, Violet is a very sweet girl who can usually be found hanging around people she loves. Violet is very forgetful and she worries about small things a lot. Violet worries for humans, plants, and animals alike and cares for their wellbeing equally! She hates fighting and always strives for a calm and peaceful environment. She's also very very clumsy, and has a habit of tripping over her own feet.

➳ This Valkyrie is a very hard worker! When she gets started on something she has to finish it. Violet can sometimes procrastinate, but she always finishes things on time. When something needs to be done, she takes it upon herself to finish it.

➳ Risk taking is something Violet almost never does. She would rather not take a risk, even if there's a great reward. Violet just doesn't like the uncertainty of it all.


↬ Temper ↫

➳ Hardly any; it takes a lot to get Violet mad. Violet is more likely to flee than fight and is more likely to cry than attack.


↬ Depression ↫

➳ A lot of things can get Violet sad. Sad movies and animals dying for example. But Violet can't help but tear up when she thinks of people who don't have the same rights and privileges as other people.

➳ Another thing. Valhalla is known as the "Hall of Heroes" by most. It's no secret that Valhalla only accepts the best; prodigies and geniuses, admirables and commendables. This really rubs Violet the wrong way. She doesn't understand it, but there's nothing she can do about it.


↬ Discipline ↫

➳ Violet always follows rules. She doesn't feel comfortable being rebellious, not anymore.


↬ Strengths ↫

➳ Violet has many strengths. She is very kind. She's also incredibly loyal and isn't the type to stray away from you. She's sympathetic and quite creative. Violet is also usually looking out for others rather than looking out for herself.


↬ Weaknesses ↫

➳ Violet can be very, very awkward. She stutters and has trouble keeping up with a conversation. She can be insecure of herself at times. Violet is also rather shy and usually doesn't make friends unless they approach her first.


↬ Drive/Dreams ↫

➳ For there to be no fighting, no war, no suffering. Just peace.


↬ Fears ↫

➳ Thunder and lightning, public speaking, blood, darkness.


↬ Likes ↫

✓ Cacti

➳ She finds them adorable. Cute little pokey plants. Violet also finds taking care of plants like cacti a very rewarding experience.

✓ Painting

➳ It's very relaxing to her. She also loves how even if she's not the best artist, she can still paint something abstract and have it look beautiful! Among painting, Violet also likes to color in coloring books and sketch.

✓ Helping people in need

➳ It fills her heart with a warm fuzzy feeling. Violet loves to know that's she's doing something good.

✓ Snakes

➳ She loves them. They're like cute little squiggle worms. She doesn't have one because she's afraid she'll kill it. She's already responsible of cacti! But maybe Violet can get a snake friend someday.

✓ Music (Mostly classical)

➳ Music is Violet's main escape. Classical music is her favorite because she loves picking out individual instruments and also just loves the sound, but Violet still listens to all kinds of music. Violet likes music that is soft and pretty. If it fits that description, Violet will most likely enjoy it!

✓ Tea

➳ Pretty much the only thing she drinks. Besides water. Violet hopes to one day taste every tea flavor in her life.

✓ Cartoons

➳ Violet finds cartoons very entertaining and thinks that anyone can watch them at any age! Violet enjoys how cartoons can create fantasy worlds and characters that couldn't exist in real life.


↬ Dislikes ↫

✗ Strangers

➳ She dislikes strangers for a combination of reasons. Violet would rather not deal with strange people.

✗ Needles

➳ They're pokey and freaky and kinda gross.

✗ Being too hot

➳ She can tolerate being cold, but Violet can't stand being hot. When you're cold, you can bundle up, but what do you do when you're hot? Take off all your clothes?!

✗ Tattoos

➳ Violet doesn't understand why you would want to mark up your body like that. Also needles. More needles.

✗ Cigarette smoke

➳ It smells disgusting.

✗ Arguing

➳ It stresses her out and saddens her a lot.

✗ Sand

➳ It feels weird to her. Violet can't really describe why. She just doesn't really like how sand gets everywhere and is so scratchy and strange.


↬ Favorites ↫

♡ Song:

➳ Sonder - Departure! Her favorite song is always changing, but this is her most loved right now. Violet loves the sweet and smooth sound!

♡ Food:

➳ Waffles. Especially blue berry waffles. She likes to put butter on them and literally drown them in syrup.

♡ Drink:

➳ Tea. Violet could probably drink just tea and be happy.

♡ Ice Cream:

➳ Just plain chocolate.

♡ Sweet:

➳ Truffles. She loves them.

♡ Chip Flavor: 

➳ Plain. It's the perfect amount of saltiness!

♡ Type of Music:

➳ Classical.

♡ Color:

➳ Either blue or green.

♡ Smell:

➳ Burning wood.

♡ Board Game:

➳ Scrabble.

♡ Number:

➳ 4.

♡ Animal:

➳ Snakes, ravens, or swans. Snakes are cute and clever, ravens are sleek and beautiful, and swans are elegant and graceful, to her anyway.

♡ Vegetable:

➳ Celery. She likes to dip her celery sticks in peanut butter.

♡ Fruit:

➳ Oranges. They're super sweet.

♡ Season:

➳ Autumn. She loves the color the leaves change and how it isn't too cold but cold enough.


↬ Least Favorites ↫

✖ Song:

➳ She doesn't have a specific least favorite.

✖ Food:

➳ Mushrooms. They just taste weird.

✖ Drink:

➳ Soda. She hates the fizz.

✖ Ice Cream:

➳ Probably stuff with coconut.

✖ Sweet:

➳ Like above, she doesn't like things with coconut. Coconut tastes bad in her opinion.

✖ Chip Flavor: 

➳ She hates barbeque chips. Also those hot chips.

✖ Type of Music:

➳ Rock or heavy metal. Too loud.

✖ Color:

➳ Anything neon colored. Just hurts her eyes.

✖ Smell:

➳ The smell of gasoline.

✖ Board Game:

➳ She's never liked Candy Land. It's redundant in her opinion.

✖ Number:

➳ 3

✖ Animal:

➳ Violet likes most animals, but she doesn't really like rats.

✖ Vegetable:

➳ Broccoli. Eww.

✖ Fruit:

➳ What?! How could you not like any fruit? Violet loves all fruit!

✖ Season:

➳ Summer. Way too hot usually. The sun is relentless this time of year!


↬ Soft Spot ↫

➳ Seeing people who don't have the same privileges or great lives as other people do. Violet is very soft for people who are struggling.


↬ Voice ↫

➳ Violet speaks very softly. She hardly ever raises her voice. Although Violet doesn't speak extremely properly, she hardly ever uses slang and never ever uses swear words. Violet can sometimes stutter if she's nervous. Violet also shouts a lot. Even if she slips, she'll screech in terror!


↬ Mental Disorders ↫

➳ None


↬ Habits ↫

➳ Forgets a lot of things often, taps her foot or whatever she's holding when she's nervous, chews her nails, fidgets with whatever is closest to her if she's bored.


↬ Fun Facts ↫

➳ Violet loves little phone games. Especially weird Japanese ones. She can play them all day and never get sick of them.

➳ Violet has a lil cacti garden. She loves her plants to pieces and tries her best to take care of them.

➳ Violet is the type who can't kill bugs or other creatures. Even if they're being annoying or they're in her house, she'll opt to set them free rather than smash them. If she accidentally kills them, she likes to hold mini funerals.


❝No one is too old for cartoons, even if you're almost 2,000!❞


♚ R A T I N G S ♚


↬ Psychological Strength ↫



↬ Physical Strength ↫



↬ Close Quarter Combat ↫



↬ Distanced Combat ↫



↬ Leadership ↫



↬ Wisdom ↫



↬ Intelligence ↫



↬ Confidence ↫



↬ Endurance ↫



❝Miss Freyja has had more boyfriends than I can count!❞


♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚


↬ Hobbies ↫

➳ Reading, tending to her cacti plants, listening to music, drawing/painting, bird watching, coloring in coloring books, stacking dominoes into rows and pushing them over, and flying kites. She likes to try a lot of things, which often leaves her overwhelmed!


↬ Talents ↫

➳ Pretty good artist, understands gardening and plants very well, very agile when flying.


↬ Sports ↫

➳ Doesn't do any.

➳ Violet would be terrible at any sport anyways! She's not very competitive or athletic.


↬ Classes ↫

➳ She wishes she could attend art classes or something like that.


❝You'll be safe in Valhalla, I promise.❞


♚ H O M E   L I F E ♚


↬ Location ↫

➳ Her current home is in a small neighborhood. Everyone here usually keeps to themselves. The area has a lot of trees and most houses are very enclosed with wildlife.


↬ House Size ↫

➳ One bedroom, one bathroom, AKA quite tiny. Violet doesn't mind though. It's just enough space for her.


↬ House Type ↫

➳ Cape Cod style house.


↬ Outdoor Description ↫

➳ The front of the house has 3 giant weeping willow trees that almost conceal the house. All around the house, there are also some bushes. The outside grass is usually well kept.


↬ Indoor Description ↫

➳ Violet's house has a tiny kitchen and tiny living room. The kitchen isn't very modern but isn't very outdated either. The living room just has a TV, one couch, and a bookshelf.


↬ Bedroom Description ↫

➳ Violet's bedroom is always neat and tidy. She has a desk with a chair and a small bed, and that's pretty much it. It's all Violet needs so she doesn't care. She hardly ever spends time in her house anyway.


❝Brynhild chose the wrong king to be killed so Odin punished her by making her marry a mortal. I don't see the punishment. I wouldn't mind marrying a human.❞


♚ L I F E    S T O R Y ♚


↬ Childhood (Age 1-400) ↫

As a young Valkyrie, Violet was quite normal. Most Valkyries deal with learning basic things when they are younger rather than do the work of a Valkyrie. Violet spent her time learning about humans and human life as well as about Valkyries and Valkyrie life.

Violet was very mischievious at this age. She was curious about everything and wanted to know about everything and wasn't afraid to do anything to find the answer. She wanted to know about the world and about Valkyries and about humans. Mostly about humans. Humans interested her. It was intriguing how they lived and functioned. They were very complex creatures and Violet was always wondering about them.

Violet was always learning and always asking questions. She spent most of her time learning, actually.

As Violet grew older, she grew more and more excited about becoming an official Valkyrie. She was a little bit worried, but she was mostly full of anticipation!


↬ Teen Years (Age 400-900) ↫

Valkyries become official at age 500. For 500 years they have studied and prepared. They're very mature and intelligent at this point.

It's logical for person to think that 500 years is way too long to wait. But according to the general myths accepted by Valkyries, 500 years is the absolute minimum. Valkyries can only become official after they know almost everything there is to know about the world and humans so they can very logically decide their choices on who lives or dies.

Violet cannot remember very much about what exactly happened when she was appointed as an official Valkyrie. All she can remember is that she was very excited.

Violet first traveled with older Valkyries to train, but that was only for a couple months. Violet caught on very fast.

These years of Violet's life were mostly a blur.

Specifically, though, Violet can recall some events.

Violet can remember her first decision. She had to decide if it was time for a human boy of about ten years to die. He was very smart for his age and would definitely be accepted into the extravagant" Hall of Heroes" known as Valhalla. The everyday battle he was facing? Cancer.

This was the first time that Violet would have to sample human sadness and dispair. She watched carefully the dread of his family. And yet, even though everyone around him was solemn, he smiled. Humans are so interesting.

Making her first judgment, Violet decided to take the child to Valhalla.

Violet can also recall an experience she had with a young woman. Violet was quite worried because this was only the second time that she had to deal with an adult human.

The battle this human was fighting was different from what Violet was used to. She had never dealt with something like this before. The battle was with addiction.

Watching this human made Violet very sad. She had to watch as this woman smoke, drank, and took drugs without any hesitations. Violet was able to discover that this woman was previously a college student studying biology and was one of the best in her class. She had such a bright future, so why was she wasting it? This one thing about humans Violet ceases to understand.

Violet kept deciding to spare her. Everytime the woman left unscathed after drinking or taking unimaginable amounts of drugs, Violet assumed she would see what she was doing and stop. But she didn't. Nothing Violet did helped. So Violet stopped.

As Violet closed the curtain on this scene, she was left pondering something else. Violet doesn't usually like how Valhalla only accepts the best of the best. The intelligent and inquisitive, the wise and the accomplishing. But at least Valhalla doesn't discriminate when it comes to whatever you were battling.


↬ Young Adulthood (Age 900-1,400) ↫

As Violet grew wiser, she became more independent and reserved. Violet started to become her current self.

First, during these years, Violet did have some memorable humans she had to make decisions on.

Violet can recall a human who was battling abuse. She was about nineteen and Valhalla had asked Violet to review her based on how this young girl had done a lot for the orphanages around that area. She loved kids and could definitely be considered a "hero" in their eyes. Unfortunately, the person who this girl loved so much was very abusive. Violet was able to see a side of humans she never wanted to see with this review.

Violet could hardly stand it. She could hardly watch as the girls significant other abused her both physically and emotionally. He hit and slapped her, yelled at and degraded her. It was filthy. But still, Violet kept up hope. She willed the girl on from afar and decided to spare her time after time.

And eventually, it payed off. The girl got away and drove to another state. Violet was very relieved. Violet had learned another thing about humans from this experience; this was that human endurance is a powerful thing.

Violet also got to review her first cases dealing with humans struggling with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. These things bothered Violet greatly. But what bothered her even more was that these things were usually solved with medication. Sure, they were solved, and that was great, but Violet still didn't like it. She didn't like the idea of it all.

Violet was sort of uneasy about mental illnesses. There really was nothing she or anyone else could do in most cases. Violet held out with these people for as long as she could. Like mentioned before, sometimes these battles ended in life, although the solution was usually drugs. But sometimes, Violet could do nothing and these cases had to end in death.

As Violet grew more mature, she grew to see the real severity of her job. Although, at this point, she was still conflicted on if she liked it or disliked it. Seeing human triumph is an amazing thing, but seeing the opposite is heart wrenching.

So as time passed, Violet did her job with no objection. She expected it to be this way for a while, maybe even the rest of her life. She couldn't deny that it was getting quite boring.

Violet was much more reserved at this point, so who knows what might have compelled her next action. Maybe it was her boredom, or maybe it was her ever-lingering curiousity for humans. Or maybe it was something else entirely.

Violet can't remember exactly how old she was or what year it was, but she was probably around one three hundred. Violet was tasked to review another human, as usual. This human was struggling with a battle of acceptance. Not really being accepted by others, but more of being accepted by himself. He didn't think he looked good or was smart or was all that great. This person was considered a hero for some of his missionary trips to different places in need. He was twenty years and had gone to these places with his family and friends many times. Violet found his work astounding. According to what she had learned about humans, they could be very selfish. Many wouldn't even imagine going to some place far away like that. This made Violet's heart break even more as she watched him struggle.

Violet watched and watched and willed as she normally did. She just didn't feel this battle should end yet, as she usually feels. One day, he had left to go somewhere (Violet reckons that it was the grocery store) so she had snuck into his small place to look for clues on how she could help. Violet had only done this a couple other times because she didn't really trust her sneaking around ability. She could be very clumsy. Violet was rummaging around in his kitchen. Right when she was thinking to herself that she was incredibly amazing for not tripping and falling or dripping something or making a lot of noise, he walked in.

Violet froze and turned around. Their eyes met. It was probably the longest moment of awkward silence Violet had ever been in in her life. Come to think of it, she hasn't been in many awkward silence moments in her life. But she can assure you that it was a very long awkward silence.

What happened next wasn't really like what you see in the movies. In movies, when the main character sees the supernatural being they usually fall over and faint or start screaming or something. This human just walked in, closed the door, and started acting very dazed. Violet didn't know what to do. Should she run? Should she stay?

Apparently the human had drove away but came back because he forgot his wallet. Violet must not have heard him pull up.

Needless to say, he was very confused about why a winged girl was rummaging though the things in his kitchen drawers. This opted Violet to give a rushed explanation of what she was doing here.

Violet can't quite remember what exactly was said, but she knows he had a lot of questions that she answered all truthfully. And then, Violet just sort of left his house, leaving him even more dazed and confused than ever.

The next day and the days after that, Violet didn't really have to stalk him anymore since he sort of knew he was there. It made it difficult to pick up on his problems, but it was sort of relaxing to not have to worry about being seen. It was quite awkward the day after he had first seen her. She can recall that she was watching him from outside, so he opened the window and promptly said, "Wow, you're still here? I thought I was dreaming about that last night. Or thought I was drunk. Or drugged."

As time passed, the human became more accepting of Violet's presence. And soon, he let her stay inside instead of watch from outside. He was a very lax human.

They talked more and more. Violet learned that he had a job at a office place. She always felt a little lonely when he left for work.

Violet believed that they were becoming friends.

This human inspired Violet's fashion sense. Originally, she would wear quite plain attire. One day she said to him, "Why do you wear such exciting clothes?"

With a chuckle he replied, "To be exciting I suppose."

Violet later vowed to be exciting too and started to add more color to her wardrobe.

Violet talked with him all the time. She started to forget about her job as a Valkyrie. He was very interested to learn about her life as a Valkyrie and Violet enjoyed finally being able to tell someone besides her cacti about it. He talked about his life only a little, but Violet always listened with much attention when he did.

Violet's favorite thing to do with him was sit outside and look at the stars in his backyard, sitting on the edge of his deck.

One night, they were sitting in that exact place when he asked her, "You remember when we first met and you told me you were here to help me with something?"

"Yeah?" Violet said, but her eyes were still looking at the sky.

"Well," The human looked down at his hands. "I think I've gotten over that because of you. You've really helped me a lot. I'm very greatful."

Violet turned to look at him, she could see the obvious emotion in his eyes.

Violet could feel a lot for humans. She was always full of emotion when it came to people. But she had never felt more than she had that day.

Violet just smiled.

"I'm glad I could help you."

When Violet made her way to her house at the time, she was on cloud nine. She was so happy. She could hardly believe what had just happened. That night, she made her favorite tea and had sweets for dinner and probably talked to her plants about the event. Nothing could ruin the moment.

Another Valkyrie in the area had spotted them talking and had reported it to Odin in Valhalla.

Violet was surprised to be asked to come up to Valhalla. She hadn't reported of her case being solved yet. She was even more surprised to be called to see Odin, the very God of Valhalla.

Odin was not very happy.

It was explained to Violet that it had been found that she was speaking to a human willingly, which is against the rules and laws put in place that all Valkyries must follow. Violet couldn't just be killed or replaced. New Valkyries are not summoned often. Instead, per tradition, Violet must be marked as unfaithful and dangerous.

So she was given a brown wing.

The process known as "Dishonest Feathering" has been around since the existence of the Valkyries. Only a few Valkyries are noted to have this distinction. The Valkyries who have undergone this procedure have one wing that bears some brown feathers as a mark of the things they have done.

Violet was forced to go to a new location and quit the current job she had.

Violet had never cried before. She thought of it as a strange human action that happened to humans only. But she knows now that it can happen to anyone because boy did she cry.

Violet collapsed on her knees and covered her face, but was forced up by guards who took her away from the God Odin. She pulled at their grip and screamed out to the ruler of Valhalla to reverse his decision, but of course it was no use.

As Violet was thrown back into Valhalla, she covered her face and flew away as fast as she could. But of course, rumors spread quickly in Valhalla.

It was known very fast that Hillevi Unn was marked.

After returning to Valhalla the next day to receive a new assignment, the stares of other Valkyries could not burn deeper. It was easy to see that they purposely avoided her and whispered about her which Violet hated. She kept her head down and tried not to make a fuss.

Violet couldn't believe it. She couldn't have ever imagined that she would be the one to get stuck in all this. She wasn't a rule breaker or a risk taker. So how in the world could she have let herself get into this mess?

It was terrible. Violet was forever marked as a disappointment. A failure. And she hated it. She spent so many nights yelling at herself and throwing things around in frustration. She doesn't get angry often, but this just made her furious. How could she do that? How could she let that happen?

Violet continued on with her life and the human she never saw again continued on with his.

He would probably forget her. He'd get caught up in his own things and he'd find a wife and he'd have kids and then he'd live his entire life not remembering her again.

Or maybe he would. Maybe he would laugh as he told his children and later his grandchildren about her. Maybe he would remember. Violet chooses to think that he did because she sure wouldn't forget him.


↬ Adulthood (Age 1,400-Present Day) ↫

Violet became used to her status and so did the other Valkyries. Occasionally she got a stare or two but she didn't care. Violet was completely over it anyway. She didn't really care what they thought anymore. The other Valkyries approval wasn't needed.

As she grew older, Violet became able to handle any type of case. Everything with her cases still wasn't all rainbows and sunshine, but in some ways she knew how to help people because of her experience, and that was awesome.

Violet was extra careful not to be seen by humans. She no longer went inside peoples houses. No way she was doing that again.

Violet got more interested in herself. Not in a selfish way, but in another way. She started to try to figure out what she liked to do and what she was like. She was always so focused on her work that she never got to do things for herself. When her human friend had asked her what she liked to do, she could really only tell him that she liked plants. So Violet took up a ton of hobbies. She made it her little thing to do something new every month.

Over time, Violet picked up the large array of hobbies that she has now. She also picked up her fashion sense and other details about her she never knew before like her favorite food.

Violet hopped from place to place to live but she eventually found the place that she's currently living in. She loves that little place.

Why does she love it? For a lot of reasons actually. The backyard is nice and she can plant things back there. It's just enough space for her as well. The neighborhood is nice and secluded.

But she mostly likes it because that's the place he used to live.


❝Please don't make him send me back to Valhalla. All I do there is serve the Einherjar alcohol.❞


♚ T H E M E    S O N G ♚


I'd wait forever till, the sunrise.

Waiting for moments to come, and pass by.

I took a moment soon, to realise.

No one could ever see you, with clear eyes.


No one but you. 


♚ O T H E R    I N F O ♚


➳ Freyja is known as Queen of the Valkyries. She's also known for having relationships and encounters with hundreds of creatures, those creatures being everything from humans and Gods to giants and dwarves.

➳ Einherjar is a name for those who have been brought to Valhalla by the Valkyries. Other than deciding who goes to Valhalla, Valkyries also serve the Einherjar.