Adam Phoenix



4 years, 2 months ago


asdfyhj the references are such old stinky art but they serve their purpose

Name: Adam Phoenix

Nicknames/Aliases: The Rising Phoenix, Commander Phoenix(before leaving Thrivanti), Renegade Phoenix(after leaving Thrivanti)

Gender/Sex: Male

Skills: Very skilled in melee combat and battle strategy, some experience in ranged combat

Powers: Adam can communicate with the phoenixes of every realm, along with the ability to summon a phoenix of his own

Personality: While his temper can be short, Adam is extremely loyal to those he cares about and his beliefs. It's hard for him to face betrayal, especially from those he really trusts. For this reason, it's equally hard for someone to gain his trust. Once you get to know him, despite his proud and fiery exterior, he only has the best interest of those he cares about in mind. He's sacrifice himself for those he cares about in a heartbeat if their safety was on the line.

Realm: Thrivanti(by birth and for a lot of his lfie), Asphixe(after leaving Thrivanti)

Story: w.i.p. however, I can say he was a hgihly respected commander in the Thrivantian Army and helped them take out multiple other realms before realizing how wrong it was(having been brainwashed by their propaganda from a very young age, only to hear the other side of the story. It took him a while to come to terms with it and finally leave Thrivanti).

Partner: n/a

Friends: Vyrilein Neitzol

Family: n/a

Other: Just an fyi, several different types of phoenixes I made up exist in this world, not just the traditional red/orange ones

Design Notes:

-Adam's phoenix is different shades of gray with blue eyes, and can vary in size