Sol Nidri



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Sol Nidri


Syn Cardrys






235 lbs


Sol Nidri stands tall and proud, his affinity shining through by giving his fur a waving, rippling effect that almost seems like he is in zero gravity. His limbs are thin and nimble, his wings, when he allows to them to be seen, are brilliantly long plumes of white gold. A long whip like tail flickers back and forth, with flecks of light shimmering in the tangled of his fur, Black eyes with white irises stare down in judgement, and embedded in his mane, cheeks, rump, and elbows he has the thinnest of feather plumes.

Personality Type

Silent. Proud. Intelligent. Meticulous. Traditionalist.


A proud, clever creature who figures himself the embodiment of law and order. He places himself on a pedestal but does not think he is above the duty of his station, though he may consider others below him. Notoriously silent, he can be known to be judgemental as hell.


A cultural guardian of an ancient society, recently uprooted. He and the remnants of this proud, vain society have since fled their sacred homeland, bringing with them what they can of their culture and traditions in hopes of resettling somewhere new. Dedicated to the survival of their ways, Sol Nidri helped lead the group west, even as their fearless leaders fell from the strain of the journey. As the group entered Nidria, they found themselves adorned with newfound powers, and they’re sure to put them to good use in securing their way of life in this strange land,

Ability: Solar Mirage

By manipulating light particles, Sol Nidri is able to change his appearance to any observing eye. This often manifests as his mane and tail seeming to ripple and flow, his wings being invisible, or even his wings appearing as plumes of pure, radiating light. There is the subtlest of white-gold glow coming off him.

Ability: Photon Whip

Concentrates and realigns photons into a dense energy, appearing like a whip. He can control this whip through sharp movements, such as with his tail, wings, or a quick turn of his neck. While this whip cannot fatally harm, it can temporarily stun or blind, or potentially leave burns if enough energy was summoned and direct contact was made.

Ability: Distortion

By dispersing, condensing, and realigning the concentration of light within a given area, Sol Nidri can induce startling visual illusions. This often presents as shaking or double vision, visual hallucinations, or over-saturation of light. The surrounding environment may appear to shift or warp, nonexistent figures may appear; the distortion can have the potential to be quite cruel.