


3 years, 11 months ago


Prefix For Golden Fur
Suffix For skill in swimming & diving
Previous Names Sunkit, Sunpaw
Pronouns He/Him
Gender Tom
Age 27 Moons
Joining Age 21 Moons
Birthday September 2020
Theme [Karma]
Clan Status
Clan Brineclan
Rank Warrior
Mentor TBA [Formerly]
Apprentice Cascadepaw [Formerly]
Orientation Unsure
Status Single
Signifigant Other N/A
Layout by Cheeriko
Ive been so good, I've been helpful and friendly

Sunstream is a golden ticked tabby and white tom with wide green eyes. He's always seen with a smile on his face, and is always there to offer help or to just listen to another's troubles.


Sunstream is a striking golden ticked tabby, a cat who's always easy to pick out of a crowd. The bulk of his pelt is a sandy golden, darker as it goes higher. A few dark spots visbile. The only visible stripes on him rest upon his banded tail and on his cheeks. Making his pattern unmistakable. At the top of his head and the tip of the tail his color is the darkest, a ruddy-er red. HIs legs and underbelly are allw hite, as well as his chest fur and a blaze that runs all the way up his face. He has noticable eyebrow spots, and a small orange spot on the right side of his muzzle. His eyes are an almost hazel green, and he always appears energized and eager to start the day.

He is quite recognizable for the new scars he bears. Much of the fur on his right leg no longer grows except for a few sparse patches. In places where it has grown back it has instead grown back white, forever marking his pelt of where his scars stretch. There is even a streak against his cheek and nose.

Design Notes:
  • Sunstream has large scar across his front right leg, keeping much of his leg from growing fur. He has lingering pain and always walks with a limp.
  • Sunstream does not wear any accessories
  • Has no bans
  • The fading part of his pelt can be drawn in strict sections like his original adopt design, or be blended together. Whatever is easier!
  • The white blaze on his face is uneven and hugs his left eye! It also rides higher on his cheek on his right side.
  • Has a bit of a baby face, though with how his father looked it's likely he'll grow a bit of a scruff as he ages.


Enthusiastic - Caring - Generous - Warm

Honest - Compromising - Soft - Dreamy

Gullible - Transparent - Passive - Fretful

Sunstream is certainly a cat who doesn't have a lot of enemies. A friendly face who's always there for others, always trying to cheer up others. He's someone who cares a lot for his family and his clan, someone who always puts in his best effort to make everyone happy. Even if he's sharing prey he was looking forward to, or taking the time to help pull ticks off the elders, or even just pausing to listen to another talk about something that's bothering them- Sunstream always has a moment to spare.

And really... That's it. There are no hidden sides to him. He says what he feels, well. He'll say what he feels if he thinks it'll help. Beacause Sunstream isn't very confrontational. Which, can you blame him? Sunstream isn't a fighter- never has been. He never took to it in training, and he certainly didn't take to it with his peers. If someone has a problem with something he did.. Sunstream will apologize and do his best not to repeat it. He isn't here to cause trouble, after all.

But.. Sunstream may be a bit too willing to bend. Because often times, he can be convinced without much force. Imply it, and it will be done. He can't lie to you, either. He's a notoriously bad liar, and is terribly obvious anytime he approaches anyone with alterior motives. Awkward but genuine, but not someone you can trust with your secrets. Or to have your back- because Sunstream struggles to stand his ground for anything. In the end, Despite his cheerful nature, Sunstream tends to worry. Worry about others, mostly, about anything and everything.


  • Sunstream doesn't like to talk much about Shimmersky, though when he's asked he'll always affirm his affection for his sibling, and how much he misses them.
  • Can be a bit of a chatterbox, even more so if he's feeling a bit awkward.
  • Is a bit caught in the middle between his parents- He doesn't blame either of them but isn't sure how to approach the situation. Especially with trying to balance Amberdrop with it as well.
  • Likes to swim when he gets the chance, walking the beach looking for shells is one his favorite pasttimes.
  • Sometimes wonders about what his real father is like.


  • The cliffs
  • Fighting
  • Lingering on bad things
  • Cold water

Skills & Abilities

Swimming & Diving
Sunstream has a love for the water, spending much of his freetime swimming and hunting for the clan. He's quite fond of diving, and is always happy to volunteer to do so.
Sculpture Making
If he has downtime, Sunstream is happy to indulge in the making of sand sculptures. Though he's still a bit of a novice at it, he's very eager to play in the sand. Especially if he can make something others enjoy seeing.
Though a bit awkward at hunting on land, Sunstream is good at anything in the water. He'll even take the risk to snatch crabs or try his luck with the molluscs.


Content Warning for Character Death, Mentions of Drowning, Infildelity/Cheating, and general Family Drama


Sunkit was born alongside Amberkit and Shimmerkit, to two warriors of Brineclan- Cloudchaser and Blazingfang. For the most part, his kithood was normal. Playing with his siblings and enjoying the love of his family. But all wasn't entirely well behind the scenes. Blazingfang and Cloudchaser's relationship was tense. Especially considering Blazingfang wasn't always around- and when he was, was already trying to instill the warrior code into them. Duty above all else- and Cloudchaser wasn't quite happy with that.

But little Sunkit was blind to what was happening. No, he spent his days with Shimmerkit and Amberkit. Lounging in the sun and playing every chance they got. Though they may be tied together as littermates, Sunkit liked to think they would have been just as close even if they werent. They were his best friends- and he rarely did anyhting without them. Even if it meant he'd have to sit through Blazingfang's boring lectures- he'd do it if it made Amberkit and Shimmerkit happy.


It all went too fast for his taste, honestly. Because before he knew it, he was given a new name, slapped with a mentor, and sent on his way for training. The days of playing and lounging already seemed long gone, but Sunkit- no, Sunpaw- wasn't going to let that get him down. He was eager to train, and happy to please his mentor. Always polite and listening. He gave everything his best shot- even if he wasn't entirely confident in it. But he found he enjoyed swimming the most.

For the most part, training went smoothly. Working hard and doing his best- that was all Sunpaw could really do. But there was nothing he could do about the storm. Fierce and violent- Sunpaw had never seen something so scary. Especially when it finally let up, and the clan realized their losses. A handful of cats- his mentor being one of them. Sunpaw mourned the loss, alongside with the noticable lack of their deputy. He didn't question Skuaflight's position- even if he sometimes heard his father grumbling about it.

Given a new mentor, nothing was quite the same. And graduation couldn't come soon enough. He was nervous about the assessment- especially when he noticed Amberpaw's mentor talking to her gravely about it. But he wasn't going to let it show- especially since poor Shimmerpaw seemed even more nervous about it. Everything would be fine- he was sure.

And everything was. Though Sunpaw's fighting skills were... Below average, to say the least, he more than made up for it with his fishing and diving. He was given a name that suited his love for the water- Sunstream. Alongside his siblings- Amberdrop and Shimmersky.


But Sunstream wasn't prepared for what came next. The hazing. Just like every warrior before them. They went to the cliff- joined by their peers. Jump. they said. Sunstream was nervous.. but not as nervous as Shimmersky. Many cats had done this before them, he reasoned, trying to assure them. Even though it was a bit windier than usual, a bit darker of water. It'd be fine. Amberdrop seemed to prove it- making the dive first. Peering down at her- she was fine.

Sunstream dived next, though he was cautious to leave poor Shimmersky behind. The drop was both terrifying and exhilarating- the crash into the water the loudest thing he'd ever known. Or was that just the blood rushing in his ears? He wasn't sure. He struggled- just a bit- to reach the surface. The choppy currents making him work for it. Better now than never- he called up to Shimmersky. They could do it! He knew they could! And they did. They jumped.

They never resurfaced. Sunstream waited for a moment, holding his breath. Any moment- any second, and Shimmersky would reappear. The currents were getting worse, though, and it finally clicked that something was wrong. He wasn't as fast as Amberdrop, though- who was already trying to dive back into the water to find Shimmersky- but Sunstream stopped her. He should go- he was the better swimmer- he could find them- But he never got the chance. Blazingfang standing in his way- no one would risk it in those waters. It was too late for Shimmersky- it wasn't too late for them.

It was a blur, tucked tightly against Amberdrop as he cried. Shimmersky hadn't wanted to- if they hadn't forced her- then Shimmer would still be there. Still be with them. The first chance he got he was out on the patrol looking for Shimmersky. No matter what shape they found them in.

It wasn't until later that he heard the news from Amberdrop- that Blazingfang and Cloudchaser had another fight. That Cloudchaser had cheated, and that Blazingfang wasn't their father. It felt.. Unreal, really. How could he not be their father? Sunstream was the same exact color. But Amberdrop explaiend it- that it wasn't Blazingfang, but Blazingfang's brother that was their father. A tom named Thunderheart who left before they were born. It was awkward- especially when Blazingfang dropped them. Which hurt- even if Sunstream wasn't very close to his.. Not-father. The tom had still raised them.

It was hard to find a new normal. With no Shimmersky, no Blazingfang. Just Cloudchaser and Amberdrop. Though usually separately- because Amberdrop wasn't speaking to their mother. Sunstream did his best to mediate but.. He wasn't going to force the matter and risk upsetting Amberdrop. Even if Cloudchaser wanted him to play mediator.

There wans't enough time for it- especially when the sickeness came. It scared him quite a bit, the though that he could lose more than he'd already lost. The very idea of losing Amberdrop too heartwrenching. He took to fretting over her, sticking to her on patrols and hunts to make sure she stayed safe. And though he didn't lose anyone this time... The clan did lose Urchinstar.

Though Sunstream wasn't close to the leader, he did feel for the loss. Urchinstar had been leader longer than Sunstream had been alive. A constant presence, one that he'd never thought about losing. But.. Skuastar didn't seem like too bad of an alternative. The new normal seemed to come quickly. and Sunstream was eager to leave the trouble behind him.

Even if Amberdrop still isn't speaking to their parents.. Sunstream is glad as long as she lets him stick with her.

warrior [in rp]

The addition of an apprentice wasn't really what Sunstream was expecting but, it was a hurdle he was very much so excited to jump. An apprentice! Skuastar trusted him with an entire apprentice! To train and teach the ways of a warrior.. Though Sunstream may end up teaching him more about the ways of swimming.

Still, though, Sunstream got along well with Cascadepaw. Doing his utmost to train the younger cat and teach him the safest way to traverse the ocean. It was all going so well, too, up until the fire.

Sunstream wished he had done more for him, had done more for everyone. But he'd failed. He wasn't as strong or brave as his clanmates, wasn't even half as capable. He'd failed, and he especially felt like he failed Cascadepaw. So the last few moons of training he desperately tried to make up for it. And when Cascadepaw became Cascaderipple.. Well. Sunstream was extremely proud.

And for a while, things seemed to be going rather well. The dreams- the cats going on a journey. There were even new kits in the clan! He worked hard, trying to make up for where he felt he lacked.

But it seemed there'd be no break for Brineclan. When the storm came, Sunstream wasn't sure what to do. Floundering and looking for Amberdrop- But then he'd realized that she could take care of herself. Probably even better if she wasn't constantly looking out for him. So instead he turned and tried to be useful- helping Vixenpounce carry Silentkit out of danger.

The trip wasn't easy, and at one point Sunstream slipped as something fell. he wasn't sure what it was- but he knew it hurt. Desperately holding onto the kitten as he tried to wrench his leg out from wherever it had managed to get stuck. Slathered in mud and, he realized afterwards, his own blood. Eventually he'd broken free- but the damage had been done. His only relief that the kitten he carried had made it through alright.

Now he waits for his leg to heal, though Dreamtide has warned him that he may never be as limber on it as he once was. Sunstream tries his best not to think too hard about that part.

Amberdrop | Sister
Sunstream's living littermate. He loves her to pieces- and the two are stuck like glue. Sunstream is happy to do anything as long as he can do it with Amberdrop. Though he doesn't like to think about it, Sunstream is worried that he may lose her one day, too.
Shimmersky | Sibling
Sunstream's lost sibling. Shimmersky was a kind and gentle cat, even if they were painfully shy. Sunstream was always happy to be Shimmersky's voice. They drowned after getting caught in a current during their cliff dive.. Sunstream regrets ever pressuring them into making the jump.
Cloudchaser | Mother
Sunstream's mother. All of his earliest memories are with her- and he loves her. I mean, shes his mother. He doesn't quite understand why she did what she did... and he doesn't know how to approach it. He doesn't think she's a bad person, and Cloudchaser says that she stayed with Blazingfang for their sake.
Blazingfang | Father(?)
Sunstream's Father-not-father. The only father Sunstream has ever known.. But now, decisively not. Blazingfang hasn't spoken to him much since the fight, though not for Sunstream's trying. The tom doesn't seem to know how to interact with cats who he'd believed were his children.
Thunderheart | Uncle-Dad(?)
The uncle Sunstream had only ever heard hushed whispers about who's apparently his actual father! He isn't sure how to feel about it- because his dad- i mean. Blazingfang never spoke kindly of him. He left the clan before he and his littermates were born. Sunstream wonders if he knows about them at all.
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