
4 years, 2 months ago



Age208 years
CodeName TropicalCandy #115
Pronouns She/Her
ResidenceCapital City, Tucruitora
Native LocationSee Above

  • 14ft 2in
  • Common Traits: Elbow Feathers, Ankle Feathers, Dash Wings
  • Uncommon Traits: Pompous Tail, Bloom Feathers
Reference Here

Aheril is a bubbly and sometimes airheaded socialite, but is very well meaning. She is a bit naive and sheltered due to her family's wealth and status, but never malicious. Because of this, whenever she goes out sightseeing, she is followed by an entourage of bodyguards to keep her from being robbed, kidnapped for ransom, or otherwise targeted for her nobility as they do not trust her to be wary enough of strangers herself. As a bit of a flirt, she will be pretty obvious with her crushes on some of said bodyguards, not caring much about their lack of a noble bloodline.

She isn't much of a hard worker; not out of laziness, but rather because she never had to work hard, and dislikes getting dirty. Instead, her motto is to enjoy everything life has to offer, indulge in her hobbies of composing and playing music, and spending time with people in her social circle. The lefiká takes life slowly, knowing all good things take time, and is perfectly content enjoying the ride. She likes having the comfortable things that come with money, and doesn't understand why her sister, Ulanni, would ever leave the luxury of their home to strike out on their own. 

As a social butterfly, Aheril is known for her lavish parties, in which she will often play her music. Her decor is always beautiful, she finds the best cuisine to feed her guests, and hires all sorts of entertainers. She is a bit of a gossip, but more because she is nosy and entertained by secrets rather than out of the intention to slander the subject. 

She is generous with her inheritance and pays others handsomely (though clearly doesn't understand the value of money, and has and will tip hundreds for something that would only cost a few caq otherwise). Though clearly lacking in street-smarts, Aheril isn't stupid,and is instead well educated, especially in the musical arts.


solitary social

observent dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive turbulent

 Abilities & Attributes


Aheril was raised in the Tucruit affiliation, and has not strayed from it to try others. She isn’t overzealous, but she holds faithfully to her religion.

Fire Agate Geoshift

Like all Lefikás, Aheril has the ability to Geoshift. Her Geoshift type is Fire Agare. She can use her Geoshift to defend herself and strengthen any attacks, as well as slowly regenerate any injuries. Luckily for Aheril, she’s never put in a situation where she’d need to do this. 

Desert Adapted

As Lefikás are, Aheril is well suited for desert life. She is naturally built for high temperature, low humidity climates, having a water pouch to store excess water, strong skin to resist the sunlight, and other desert adaptations. 


As all Lefikás do, Aheril has feathered wings. This gives Her the ability to fly. Due to her loft Wings, Aheril can soar through the sky for a long time.


Born into nobility with a silver spoon, Aheril grew up pampered and with a house full of Ptithians to dote on her and grant her every wish. She never went without, and being the baby of the family, she was the apple of everyone's eye. She knew her family's money came from a long line of Merchants, but she dreamt of being partially royal.

Aheril was the second of two sisters, her older sibling being Ulanni. Because of this, Ulanni shouldered more responsibility, and Aheril could spend more of her time doing what she enjoyed. Being younger allowed her to be less of an object of scruitenty.

As a child, Aheril liked to play pretend that she was a princess in line to be pharoah, and Ulanni would be her trusted advisor. In most of the games the pair played, she wanted to be the star; a trait she carried with her wherever she went.

From a very young age, Aheril showed a talent for music, bordering prodigy abilities. She would play any instrument she could get her hands on, and could read sheet music before she could even read writing. Her parents gave her the very best tutors, and the finest instruments to play. Later, she even took voice lessons, though her heart was taken first and foremost with playing the music instead of singing to it.

She began putting on musical recitals for her parents' guests at the parties they threw. The young lefiká soaked up all of the attention she could, adoring the spotlight and compliments on her abilities.

Developing a growing love of the performing arts, Aheril spent much of her time attending musical recitals, upscale operas, and highly funded plays.

As she grew older, Aheril learned to be more graceful and proper. She never rushed anything she did, opting to do it well instead, and was never in a hurry. She became especially skilled as a socialite, and was well mannered and behaved as a noble's daughter should. She often took over the mantle of hosting the family's parties, being an exceptional planner with a keen eye for the best caterers and decorators. She wouldn't become frustrated if preparations took time, and never saw waiting for something as a bad thing.

When she turned ten, due to being from a Tucruit family, she received her Virtue eye tattoo, which was chosen to be Patience.

By the time she was full grown, she was quite petite for a female lefiká. This sparked worry in her parents, who started sending bodyguards with her whenever she went out alone.

She was sent to Haboob College for a higher education, along with an entourage of protectors whom she quickly befriended. Though she did not quite slack on her general studies, she was far more interested in spending her time at elite parties with other students. She became known as a bit of a flirt, and her charming behavior could make almost any ptithian blush.

Still, she pursued her musical studies fervently. Her favorite subjects were not only the musical arts, but the arts in general, which she became even more skilled at over time. She even began writing her own compositions for fun.

Shortly after she graduated and came back home, her parents bought her her own beautiful manor, which she filled with glamorous decor and well-paid workers. It had a spacious and gorgeous ballroom, which she hosted jamborees, balls, and many other parties almost weekly (though she avoided exact deadlines to encourage quality). Her home became a social hot-spot, where at first, the upper class would come to gossip and enjoy themselves. Due to her "All are Welcome, No Invites Necessary" rule however, many lower income ptithians began to trickle into her less formal events. Her place was the place to be, and everyone knew it. Even more mature lefikás in her wealth bracket, such as Marali and even the elusive Niatra, have made appearances at her events; the former even developing a slight friendship with Aheril. 

Later on, Ulanni moved away to Falhalt. Aheril was bewildered by this decision, unable to understand why her sibling would want to go somewhere so much less interesting (in her point of view), and so far away from home. She was even more surprised when Ulanni moved again, this time laying their roots in Squeliphys. From time to time, Aheril would visit them, and sends her letters and postcards.

Her years passed by with a relaxed pace. She didn't need to worry about day-to-day events because of her semi-infinite stream of wealth. She enjoyed her existence, and continued writing and playing her music.

When news broke of the archeological findings of the end of the Colossals, Aheril quickly fell into hysterics over the rumors that modern ptithians were next. She was uncharacteristically frantic at first, spending much of her time at the Temple of Onyx. Once more findings were published confirming that the Cardinals were not going to destroy them, Aheril started to relax, and has since gone back to living life day by day.


  • Aheril’s Birthday is 07/02/2622
  • She loves citrus flavors and smells
  • She enjoys riding Chislers

 Personal Info 
AestheticCandy, Classical Music
AFfiliation East, Tucruit
Virtue  Patience
Aura LevelAverage Aura
MagicFire Agate Geoshift

Designer Crackedwalls (Offsite)
Obtained From onetaillesstiefling
Status NFS
Value N/A


Aheril's older sister, Ulanni left home to go to Squelliphys, but still does live off of her family's wealth. Aheril loves her sister, but doesn't always understand their thought process when it comes to science and getting her hands dirty. They were pleasant enough as children, though not quite inseparable as Ulanni was older and didn't have the same interests as Aheril. Regardless, every once and awhile, they visit with one another to enjoy some bonding time; Aheril definitely prefers when Ulanni visits her though, as she dislikes the humidity of Squeliphys and  does not wish to be near the dig site her sibling funds. 


Aheril loves her parents, and they treat her well. She lives off of their money as they are part of a long line of "nobles"; likely just merchants with no relation to royalty. They supported her musical endeavors even from childhood, and have given her whatever her heart desired. They made sure she only had the best of the best.


As a rich noble in the same wealth bracket as Aheril, they have seen each other a handful of times at different events the older lefiká travelled to the Capital for. She has struck up a conversation each time, and the two mutually enjoy each other's company during the parties, fundraisers, charities, and other events. Due to the fact that Aheril is also a wealthy noble, she does not have any ulterior motives in her acquaintanceship and light friendship with Marali. When Marali is in town, Aheril will often invite her to have tea and talk.