Patchwork Quilt Apple-Belle



4 years, 2 months ago


“I hope one day I can finally knit my way out of this Hellhole...”

Full Name: Patchwork Quilt Apple-Belle

Nickname(s): Patches, Patchy (Bookworm)*, Quilt

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Cisgender Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 14

Parents: Rarity Belle Apple and Applejack Macintosh Apple

Sibling(s): Marmalade Buttercup Apple-Belle (Older Sister)

Partner: N/A

Personality: Introverted, creative, reluctant when showing any form affection/emotion (unless you can break through his “tough guy” exterior), and incredibly passionate about his work (if he can’t get good grades or pass any of his classes, the least he can do is pour his heart and soul into something that’ll make his parents proud, right?).

Fatal Flaws: Short-tempered, impatient, stubborn and close-minded, “unintelligent” (at least that’s what he calls himself; maybe that wouldn’t be the case if he just applied himself a little more in school), and unable to admit his faults (if you even mention something he’s done wrong in the past he’ll shut you down immediately).

Special Talent: Knitting

Cutie Mark Story: To cope with his anger and depression, Patchwork was advised to pick up knitting as a means of distraction and meditation. 

After Bookworm entered his life, he gradually became more and more open about his problems, eventually dropping his old comfort habit altogether. 

One day, as he sat alone in his bed, the young foal glanced over at the familiar shiny needles resting on his dresser... untouched for months. Patchwork decided that, as a gift to his mentor, he would knit him a cozy ruby-colored sweater as a small thank you for helping Patches overcome his aggression. He even added a sloppy multicolored heart overtop a tiny rip in the fabric. Bookworm claims it, “Gives more character to such a sentimental piece.”

The moment he proudly presented the token to his friend, a brand new Cutie Mark appeared on his flank, signifying that this “silly” side hobby of his was far more important than just a simple pastime... it was his destiny.

Base - SelenaEde:

*Struggling with his lack of interest in school as well as his crippling anger issues, Patchwork’s worried parents set out to find a pony able to possibly see eye to eye with the aggressive foal amidst his internalized self-loathing.

Their journey led them to the son of renounced phycologist, Starlight Glimmer, and her wife, Moondancer.

Bookworm refused to give up on his “patient,” no matter the relentless push-back he received in return. He could tell Patches was hurting inside, and that he desperately wanted to take the help he was given... but admitting you need it to begin with is the most difficult step in the road to recovery.