

3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Strife Specibus

- Uzikind

Knight of Mind


Your name is CARIAN CROZOX 

You are currently residing in your very messy room, as your multi-limbed goat LUSUS eats some SOCKS off the floor.

Your interests include EATING terrible food, and playing any obscure VIDEO GAMES you get your grubby little hands on. There is no number of people that can convince you that GAMING is a waste of time. Gaming is your life, and you fully intend on living by that mantra.

Your trolltag is chimericalCaprine (CC) and you write in a way that maakees yoouu seeeem vaary spaaceed oouut. Typically you are seen as a disgrace to your BLOODLINE, and many other trolls make comment of that as much as possible.


can be drawn with a blue sign or grey sign,, im just inconsistent on the color lol,, also can be drawn with his extra pupils in his right eye or not,, atp i do not care