
3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Derek "Dare" Geier




  • Dare was immediately given up after being born. They don't know anything about their actual parents, if they have any siblings, all that stuff. All they know is being tossed around between families in the foster care system.
  • [4:38 PM]
    An elderly lady from NYC took Dare in almost right away, and Dare ended up gaining a bit of an accent from her whenever they speak. But the lady couldn't keep Dare much longer after the first five, devenish years because if her declining health.
  • [4:39 PM]
    Since then, Dare was tossed between families because they never felt understood and was labeled a "problem child." It's obvious Dare has their own way of showing affection and that they care for people, but it's not the "normal way," and even though it was encouraged to express themselves when they were with the elderly lady, it was shunned by all the other families.
  • They were kinda picked on at school because of their situation, but Dare doesn't like to take shit sitting down, and decided you can't bully me if I'm bullying you, without realizing that they wouldn't really get friends as a result
  • [4:41 PM]
    And they look intimidating, so at that point, why even be nice when people are going to be judgemental just for the way you look
  • [4:42 PM]
    And Dare ended up developing the mind set of everyone who is nice to them, is just taking, which is why they're an intensely brutally honest person, to the point where it can and will become hurtful. A lot of the families they stayed at would complain about Dare to their face, before turning around and going "yeah they're a good kid :)" because they needed the money they got from fostering.
  • Before they ran away, they were in a group foster care home and really hated it there. They heard about the blade sharks and decided to go hunt em down and kinda just Lives with Kai and Drilyx's blader
  • [4:45 PM]
    And Dare is super aware of the fact that people hate them?? They don't even try to be nice at this point. In a "you're sick of me, in sick of me, it's what j expect at this point" way
  • Carlos is in a similar situation. He's not in foster care, but his mom left him with his abusive alcoholic dad, so he hangs around the warehouses a lot and ended up joining the blade sharks just to get away. Also labeled as a problem child by everyone around him. Carlos joined the blade sharks before Dare did 
  • [4:47 PM]
    They bond a lot over "ha ha our parents don't really exist lol"
  • [4:48 PM]
    Carlos once spent nearly a month living with the blade sharks before his dad realized he was gone. It took Dare THREE to be noticed before they left.