


4 years, 2 months ago


- He mostly grew up with his father who threw away as much as he could to allow his son to be successful. Tarantula Hawk has developed a lot of his father's habits, mainly the good ones though

- His mother either left for personal reasons or died of an illness. He acts out sometimes when he thinks about it heavily and becomes sad

- He views sadness as a weakness and does what he can to cover that up

- He works as a bodyguard, often times for wealthy dragons. He occasionally flirts with the dragons he works with/for

- He breathes chivalry and is often over the top about it, occasionally on purpose

- He makes some of the best toaster strudels and will never share his recipe

- He likes to talk himself up and make himself seem cooler than he is

- He grew up with the idea that every needs to be treated with respect burned into him

- He stylizes his sail in the way you'd stylize hair. He comes up with some pretty bizarre styles