Sky's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Ownership belongs solely to me. Character may be drawn as long as design credit is given back to me.

Caelichii Global Rules

Do not upsell designs -> additional value can only be added via commissioned artwork. Personal art does not count toward this.

Designs obtained via trade have no currency value and can only be re-traded. If you no longer want a design and do not wish to trade them, please return them to me.

Please update the ToyHouse logs properly with my designs: it helps me know that my ToS aren't being voided.

Do not completely change the character: character must still retain some semblance to the original design.

Designs do not come with commercial use -> please do not use them for anything aside personal use.

Do not use the design for hate / illegal content.