


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info














Traded for 1 character


Azrael is a wanderer, always being with his beloved bird, Mika. He doesn't take part for any party, and is so neutral.


Azrael is a young and pretty tall man. He has blue eyes, his right one hidden under his hair, and a red marking under the eye. He has fluffy and short white hair, with messy locks. He also has two little fangs. He owns a devil tail, flat and black with two little spikes at the beginning, and two others in the middle. The end of his black part is torned-like and a red fork-part begins, where it's also torned-like and creased with two little gold piercings. 

Azrael wears a wide sweatshirt, black in the left and red in the right. Three red clips, with gold ornments, one small, one medium and one large are separating two parts of the sweatshirt. A golden and silvered zip is also separating two parts, and a inked white skull is on the big central pocket. Under the sweatshirt, he wears a torned grey shirt with many holes and black sides, with gold decorations. He also has a black necklace with a splited coin, and a long black collar. He's wearing long black pants and a little gold decoration on pants. His boots are red with gold soles and gold steel circles on each side of shoes. His laces are black, and his front-part is yellow.



Azrael's background is very mysterious.  He hates to talk about it, and  never brings up the topic, or avoid it in some cases. Nobody knows his age, his last name or his goal. He just announces he's incredibly old, and the rest Can depass the imagination of common mortals. The only known thing for the moment is his owl, Mika, accompagned him where he goes since a long time.

However, the man has an occupation taking most of his time. With Mika, he's used to violently torment mainly humans, but demons too, by moments.  

Firstly, he chooses an easily suggestible target and interesting to manipulate. After they were selected, Mika takes the appareance of a missing or a deceased close person of the target. They so adopt their voice and their tone, their uses and their personnality. They so announce themselves as this dear being in front of the target who falls into the trap.

Few weeks or even months go, and meanwhile Mika becomes very close of the person and spends most of their Time with them. They so encourage them to off contact with others, only needing of them. Progressivly, the target becomes distant with others peoples, cold  or even agressive in some cases. They so becomes paranoiac and is suspicious about everyone except Mika, giving them " wise " advices and taking care of them. 

  To be continued