Lim, Micha



3 years, 11 months ago



Name Lim, Micha
Called Mi
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Eldest sister
Alignment Chaotic Good

Instrument: Bass
Inspiration: Young K [brian], IU, Ailee
Position: Vocalist
Future: To make it as a Soloist.


  • Children
  • Tea
  • Adlibs


  • Coffee mugs
  • Unconfident people
  • Half filled notebooks,


↳    : Protective // Persuasive // Perceptive // Moralizing // Motherly  
Micha had to take on a motherly role for her siblings at the age of 10.
   She had to protect her siblings from what she was/is going through.
   little kids always need to be persuaded if you want them to do something
   she dotes on everyone important to her, she always making sure everyone has
what they need and emotionally stable  

↳    : Blunt // Cowardly // Pessimistic // Sadistic // Sarcastic
   Micha does not like to sugar coat anything, she is blunt but she is scared to say everything she wants to, in fear of everyone leaving her
   Micha fears that no one would like who she really is so she gets depressed sometimes
   Because she was suppressed for so long she loves it when people are in pain
        of humiliated because of her( not extreme physical pain.) trips people
    hide her anger and depression behind sarcasm


Micha grew up in a small country town where everyone knew each other and each others'
family. As a younger kid, she was smaller than most at her age.
Her image had everyone expect her to be quiet and gentle, however, in actuality, she was
loud, abrasive; scaring away all of the other kids. In order to
financially support their large family, her parents focused on work.
Leaving Micha to care for her two younger brothers and two younger
sisters. Micha learned to accept high responsibilities: from taking her
siblings to school, cooking, cleaning, and babysitting. Because Micha
had a big role as the eldest she grew up too quickly. this made her
become aware of all the criticism she heard from adults. Words of how abrasive
and unladylike she was as a child, and how she should be more girly and dignified.
However, the words of how horrible her parents were at raising there kids were
the ones that affected her the most. Micha always acted the way she wanted
but this was the first time she felt truly ashamed of herself.
Middle school:
Before the start of middle school, Micha's family moved closer to the city for work.
The opportunity of a new start was a saving grace due to her escalating insecurities.
With a new place and new people, Micha decided to change. If not from the inside then the outside.
She had striven to become kind, dainty, and soft-spoken; everything that she was not back in town.
Micha went through Secondary school with a new face. With her acquired personality she gained friends, good grades, and confidence.
Micha's view on human interaction started to become less of a past time and more of a chore.
With her hackneyed view of people, Micha began to slowly turn more Blunt and angry.
She changed from being a goody-two-shoes who thought that "all I need in life is friends", to how she was back in elementary.
Micha Realized that her behavior when she was younger was not as much of a sin that she was lead to believe.
She slowly accepted that being blunt is not a flaw and getting angry is a normal emotion.
In return, she becoming more apathetic to other people's' perceptions.
But nonetheless, she still acts like a pure child until things don't go her way, then her inner repressed personality shines.


Has 4 younger siblings
Loves heavy Rap
Spills the Tea
Finds teacups and whiskey glasses aesthetic.

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