


7 years, 5 months ago


Sophomore English lit major with a minor in creative writing. he wants to be a playwright. He is going to be a playwright. Do you want to read his most recent play? It's really quite good. It's only a few pages long, he's getting into those five-minute plays, surely you have a few moments to spare -

Skilled fencer, as evidenced by Colin's nickname. Parry is one of the best epee fencers at her college; he's scholarshipped on it. His style is methodical and slow, often taking advantage of brash lunges and punishing them easily.

Parry is a diviner, which he would rather you not know. His third eye opens on it's own terms and reveals prophecies to him based on those in his immediate vicinity. The truth of its claims is ... dubious. It causes more trouble than it's worth in Parry's eyes, and frankly he'd rather just be rid of it. Unfortunately, that's not really an option!
Confident, calculated. Colin has spent his life collecting Ws and taking very few Ls. Originally, this was because of talent. Now it's good old-fashioned hard work. He knows he can beat you because he's already planned out the takedown in his mind.

Posh, emotional. He has ... issues? He likes to maintain an image of decadence and humility, but if you so much as insult him he will explode on you, and watching him attempt to cuss you out without cussing is a sight that's worth the price of admission.

Jock, nerd. It's the best of both worlds, baby! This captain of the fencing team considers it a side-gig and wants to end up on Broadway! Both of his in-groups consider him varying degrees of 'outsider' for typical college clique reasons; Colin either doesn't notice, or ignores it.

Private, lonely. Colin's very unlikely to take off the mask that he wears around other people. He wishes he did it more often, but having people around means he's more likely to randomly see visions of the future where they could spill tomato soup on their new shirt in the cafeteria (or worse) so he'd rather not do that.

494714?1570506796g Justine, his twin sister. The family joke is that they're exact opposites: Colin is extremely Type A whereas Justine is a classic Type B. They get along well despite their many differences - the twins spend a few hours every week sparring together, and many more hanging out with their shared friend group.
494707 Xavier, his roommate. Unfortunately. Colin can barely stand his roommate, and the animosity is largely reciprocated. The pair differ on every possible level, and so they're not planning on living together for the next year of school unless something incredibly drastic happens ...
494721 Valentine, who seems alright! Justine is incredibly fond of Val; now that they're roommates, Colin sees plenty of her. They're not the kind of friends that really ever hang out on their own, but they're always glad to spend time together as part of the whole group.
Colin Meyer
College student, professional fencer
You snore like a dying whale, offense intended!
  • Maintaining a certain sense of decorum at all times.
  • Singing in the shower, especially that new musical ... oh, you haven't heard the soundtrack yet ... ?
  • His hair! My god, he loves his hair.
  • People who are hyper-competitive and better than him at things he's good at.
  • Rudeness, especially directed at him or his sister.
  • Most leafy greens...?
  • The future - what he's seen, and what he hasn't.
  • Being forgotten.