Plague (Plague)



4 years, 2 months ago


Leonardo "Leo" Kamiński

General Info
Leonardo "Leo" Kamiński
December 29th
5'8" | 172 cm
Blood Type
Hero Info
Hero Name
Quirk Name
Rat King
Course Focus
Dorm Info
Dorm Number
Greta Sorrentino-Leblanc, Lottie Macallister
Angelica Kamiński | Helen Mitchell
David Williams
Rosemary "Rosie" Kamiński
Victoria "Tori" Kamiński
Literally no one wants to see motherfucking Charles Entertainment Cheese at 4 PM on a Tuesday afternoon. 
― Leo

The Scurrying Hero.

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Plague

Quirk: Rat King

The user can shapeshift into the form of a brown rat. He gains all of the qualities of a rat, which includes: enhanced smell/hearing, navigating through the dark, fitting through small spaces and climbing. He has also learned how to handle technology while in this form.


  • As a rat, Leo is more fragile and suspectible to injuries. Any and all injuries he gains while as a rat will automatically transfer to his human form.
  • It takes about a few minutes for Leo to properly transform, due to the small size. The longer Leo stays as a rat, the longer it takes for him to change back into a human. The process will become slower, for example: if he remains a rat for a few hours, it would take up to an hour for him to completely change back into a human.
  • Leo has the ability to speak as he in rat mode, however his voice becomes very squeaky and high-pitched as if to fit the voice of a rat. Though communication with peers is easy enough, it makes him much more noticeable and would more draw attention to himself if he spoke.
  • Being in tight corners or trapped like being in a cage would hinder him from transforming back into a rat.


  • Miniature Body Camera: Hidden with a small bandana used to disguise it. It holds all of the functions of a regular body camera, except it's fit for a rat.
  • Earpiece: Goes into one of his rat ears, for ease of communication if he not close to his peers.
  • Toolkit: Used for machinery such as power boxes, computers and other technology. They are much smaller than normal tools, speficially made for rat paws. Leo keeps this and any other equipment in his crossbody bag.

Primary Course Focus: Support


Leo fits the bill for a wallflower: introverted and particularly quiet when surrounded by a lot of big personalities. He's known for being laid-back, well mostly laid back. The only other emotion one seems to easily elicit from him is nervousness. He has a terrible habit of worrying, usually for others. In fact, he seems to always be willing to give and give to others and not expect much, if anything, back. Leo typically turns to comedic relief in order to avoid conflict -- which is usually in the form of needless profanity and drawn-out ramblings. He tries to not draw too much attention to himself... but still manages to do so. Though he hates having all eyes on him and would rather blend into the crowd.

Due to his short attention span, Leo sometimes finds himself working on many projects at once. He's quite forgetful and used to losing track of things, so he's always setting reminders for himself. He insists on organizing and pre-planning, even if he isn't so good at it himself. He may be reserved. Hey may be skittish. He may even be a pushover in order to prevent conflict. But regardless, he finds himself standing up for those who cannot always stand up for themselves. He is very much a "for the people" kind of guy and wants to put more good into the world. He is motivated by helping others and finding happiness in being the cause of someone else's happiness. Leo will acknowledge that the world isn't always sunshine and rainbows, but there are good people and communities worth fighting for. Those who are particularily close to him will spark surging loyalty.


TW: Mentions of child abuse/neglect

Just a normal small town in a normal part of Tennessee — that’s where Leo was born and where he grew up. His early childhood wasn’t entirely happy, or safe for that matter. While he grew up acknowledging that he was far from attached to his father, it took longer for him to realize theres was much more to it. Excessively anxious, he was frequently worried he would do something wrong but would have rather been the one at fault than anyone else in the family. Leo was also accustomed to taking care of his younger sisters, acting in the role of an adult at an early age. Even after his father left, he continued playing the role of the secondary adult in the home. He would not let his sisters or his mother be left without care.


None of his family were remotely involved in heroics. In fact, his mother simply owned a horse ranch and Leo would assist her and her employees after school. A scare from a rather stubborn stallion caused Leo to accidentally trigger his quirk — causing him to hide within a bale of hay as a rat. His family was quite pleased to see he had some of his mother’s blood in him. However, being known as “the sewer rat” in school didn’t exactly give him confidence. Leo would refrain from using his quirk in public in response to the teasing and mocking. He remained withdrawn from most of his peers and made very few friends. He took to some hobbies that didn't include human interaction, at the very least.

Instead of heroics, he at first took an interest in engineering and machinery. Leo especially entertained concepts of machinery that boosted an animal's capabilities. After graduating high school, Leo went to a nearby university with several scholarships to go major in engineering. A year later, he reluctantly decided to switch campuses and try studying in Massachusetts. As much as he didn't want to leave his family behind, they encouraged him to venture into the world and pursuit his dreams. It was high time he start a new life. And Boston seemed like a nice city, what could go wrong?

... A lot of things went wrong. The day Leo settled into Boston was the day the Asclepius group took over. At first, he strictly stayed inside with his roommate out of pure fear and hoping he could wait it out until the city was saved. But as the days turned into weeks, he wasn't sure when that would happen. Leo was actually tempted to scurry out of Boston in the dead of night, all by himself and return home. But... he didn't. Instead he found himself moved by the plight of the people and took it upon himself to aid the citizens when he could. Whether that was finding food and supplies, or helping someone hide.

After the Asclepius group was defeated, Leo made the decision to quit engineering. Though he stayed in Boston, he found himself looking to intern under the wing of one of the Pro Heroes of Boston. He spent a year working towards building up his college resume even further and eventually applied to Schuyler University. If he could find a way to help others in need once more, this was how he was going to do it. Perhaps a career in heroics wouldn't be all that bad.



Sooyun Jung

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Evelynn Makena

[ Relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



  • Breakfast foods
  • Drums
  • Engineering
  • Video games/Anime
  • Horses
  • Painting nails
  • 80's music
  • Hiding


  • Coffee
  • Being stared at
  • Large crowds/parties
  • Rat-related insults
  • Walking on ice
  • Being picked up by the tail
  • People motivated by money/greed
  • Non-friendly arguments


  • Enjoys reading. Has been recently found checking out books about psychology from the library.
  • Has a habit of monologuing to himself.
  • Bites on the end of his pens/pencils.
  • Makes very good breakfast sandwiches.
  • Cares deeply about children and always makes sure that they know that he's listening to them. He has a soft spot for them...
  • Keeps track of the quirks of people he knows so he doesn't forget them. He gives them his own little nicknames so he'll rememebr.
  • Has a lip piercing and one ear piercing. He makes sure to take them off before putting on his hero costume.
  • His mother remarried when he was sixteen years old, though the family still keeps her maiden name as their last name. Leo took a very long time to trust his new mother, but these days he has respect for her and even finds himself just as protective of her as he is with the rest of his family.