


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Frankie
Nicknames: Frank, Francis, honestly they'll let you call them any name you want

Gender: agender
Pronouns: any (he/she/they/it/ze/xe/ect)

Personality: friendly, kind, selfless to a fault, gentle, loyal, overly empathetic, tends to take things literally and doesn't always understand certain jokes especially those that rely on sarcasm, 

Backstory: Frankie has no idea where they came from or even who they really are. It seems like they are a reanimated body of some kind so surely they used to be alive...Probably...But they have no memory of that time. The earliest memory they can recall is waking up for the first time alone in a crumbling shack in some forest.

- would literally never hurt a fly
- they don't need to eat to survive but if they did, they would be vegan (and would still feel kinda bad about killing plants for food)
- their body parts can be easily removed and reattached or even swapped out for other body parts
- doesn't bleed when wounded or feel any pain
- the only way to kill them would be to destroy their brain
- they were named after Frankenstine due to their appearance. the name was given to them by a random human they met simply because they didn't have a name beforehand and the human just needed something to call them by so they said the first thing that came to mind