Hakin Valkoinen- TG Cafe AU



3 years, 11 months ago


Hakin Valkoinen

Age:22 (5/7)Gender: Male ♂Height: 6’2
  • Eyecolour: Electric Blue
  • Haircolour: Black (hint of blue)
Pet name: Evita ♀
Fav Food: cheese anything
Fav Drink: Earl Grey
Hobbies: watching CSI, Smoking, gambling <_<;; and Racing
  • He used to play the flute.
  • He  was also a former band member 
  • Two-faced attitude
  • likes to walk around /exploring with his motorbike (2019 BMW R1250RS) 
  • Has a Albino King snake as pet
  • jots down notes for personal reasons
  •  Tyche and Bena's Childhood friend.
  • Bena's emergency chauffeur


''Assuming every time I breathe, I belong to a gamble called Life. At most times I act hastily even chances can be a lost... I couldn't care less''

Being the next successor of a Multi-Million group of company: Valkoinen Class Inc. which is well known family who specializes medicine and chemical science. He knows he is filthy rich and Entitled. He utilizes his family resources and latest technology to get by with /things/ even if his actions may be seen as semi-aggressive/chaotic to others.

Highly self preserved/composed and observant, Its does not often let things get under his skin. Hakin remains consistently unfazed. To some, this may come off as very haughty, which he does not deny.

Hakin is quite sociable, but he tends to be like a mirror, he’s mood and behaviour depends on the person he’s talking to. Therefore Hakin is quite good in lying his thoughts and emotion. He often thinks rather than saying it out loud. 


Based in Topaz City his family is considered one of the prestigious group of family, they come in groups like a mafia.  Hakin is currently studying Criminology in a university while also attending research with horticulture with Taho and Bena. His family has close alliance with Taho and Giovanni Family.

Finds himself hopping through cafes to try out new things and do his research.