
4 years, 2 months ago


female (gender apathetic, she/they), Jaydin Mayn, 30s, Nomad/hermit

"They are a space nomad that travels from planet to planet, staying for a week or so, bartering for fuel and parts, and seeking out the sights and knowledge they'd craved ever since they started looking to the skies as a pup."

Backstory: From a very young age they looked up from their dingy, simple, little town and imagined being the first of their kind to go into space. When an unmanned ship crash-landed on the outskirts of town they took their chance to finally reach for the skies. They obviously didn't know exactly how it worked and while they were able to get off the planet they crash-landed on an uninhabited planet several systems away. they spent years trying to rebuild - they learned how to fight, how to survive, and eventually how to repair critical spacecraft navigation system errors using manuals from the ship. They also met a companion creature who was their main source of company their entire time, providing help surviving as well as companionship. After years of hard living, they are quiet, fiercely independent, and as curious as ever. They are very in tune with their companion and have a close relationship - they prefer them to humanoid company.