


3 years, 11 months ago


Names: Bradley, Brad, Braddicus, Bradman
Ancestry: Half-Elf
Nationality: British/American
Gender: Genderfluid (Male, agender, female)
Pronouns: He/They prefered, but doesn't correct anyone
Age: 23
Birthday: October 27th (Virgo)
Height: 5'7"/170cm
Sexuality: Bisexual
Partner(s): None
Trick: Can manifest light-based instruments at will, although said instruments are visual only, they do not function.

Appearance: Bradley is a bit on the skinny but built side, looking closer to if he was an athlete in training, rather than some random something or other. He's got slightly tanned skin and rocks a mullet with black hair like it's not ugly. (To him it's not, anyway.) He's got a tattoo of snaking chains starting from both his wrists going all the way to his neck, his wrists and neck having shackles attached. He's also got a scar on his right leg, snaking up from his ankle to just below his knee. He shaves often, but it's fairly obvious he's got a little bit of a stubble. And his eyes are amber brown, like tree bark. Tends to go for punk styles when he dresses up, to whatever that end might entail. Usually destressed jeans if not totally torn, and a jacket that may or may not have studs depending on how he's feeling at that given moment.

Personality: From the outside, Bradley seems irritated all the time, but in reality he just has a mean looking resting bitch face. And resting bitch vocabulary. He's nice in his own way, althought that more often than not can lead him to be a dick to the people he's trying to be nice to, through being very blunt. It has on more than one occasion gotten him into a fight or two. (That he won, thank you very much.) He also seems very unconcerned about hisself on the outside, but in actuality he's constantly questioning if he's doing the right thing for his life, and the echoes of his family's thoughts just make that uncertainty even worse.

Background/Family: Bradley doesn't like to talk about his family, given he's cut himself away from them by this point. They're supposedly kind of successful, but you wont get his last name out of him, even if you managed to threaten him in a way that makes him afraid. Beyond that, Bradley makes his ends meet by helping out venues as a sound tech/venue coordinator for gigs and the like, having a knack for making sure things go off with minimal hitches. Lives on his own, kind of drifting from venue to venue trying to figure himself out.

Skills/Hobbies: Likes to mimic the musicians he helps during the gigs at the venues he helps, pretty accurately too. He's not proficient with any instrument, or so he says, but will definintely be able to help you tune and adjust most common instruments. Tinkers a bit in his spare time, with mechanical type stuff. Isn't extremely good, but has a working understanding of it to repair easy things such as straightforward cog-based machinery.

  • His downtime
  • His jackets
  • Any band that has good sound(?)
  • A nice, dark night with a good cigarette
  • Wet shoes and socks
  • The smell of cigarettes
  • Any of his direct family
  • Tough guys who can't back it up
  • The mere thought of being civilized
Doesn't order fastfood willingly if at all, but will scarf it down like it's the first meal he's had in a week.
Has, multiple times, attempted to learn an instrument, but always loses confidence quickly and stops.
Very often goes outside when it's raining just to stare into the sky and feel the water drip down his shirt. Regrets it when his socks get wet.

Song: Painkiller by Nothing But Thieves