Axiom of the Woods - WIP



Axiom of the Woods
705 years old
Wiccan Werewolf
October 5th, 1313
(6:30 pm)


Logician Theme


INTELLIGENT • Social • Informative • Teacher

Axiom works as a Supernatural Specialist for the Huxton Academy. He helps to train agents who would rather find the truth about supernatural beings rather then hunt them for the misunderstandings that lost ones might cause

He is married to the beautiful Idun, a teacher and master of magic. Together they are a magical power couple who would rather read books and sip tea then argue with stupid people


  • Books
  • Large cities and all their information outlets.
  • Candles
  • Magic/Alchemy


  • Youth thinking they know more.
  • Loud Music
  • Racism/Speciesism/Witch Hunting
  • Being reminded he can't create magic himself
"I read a book recently that detailed the future of humanity as seen by one life among millions. It was amusing to see how one brain could see the development of its people. As someone who has seen the plan unfold I can tell you it was a fair bit off."


Axiom was created by the most incredible Witch of the Woods. He and his three brothers were the first to be made strictly of magic. Unfortunately, with such early magic the four brothers were made with small flaws. In Axiom's case his emotional connections were weakened and he struggles to see the point behind another's emotion.

Axiom's fantastical abilities allowed him to transform under the cover of the full moon into an fearsome wolf that had a strong need to hunt. He had no ability to stop himself and would crash through the trees hunting everything in sight. It was due to this that he and his brothers were kept close by their mother.

Axiom grew up outside of a small village, living quietly in the country side. His mother was known as a witch and she was both loved and hated deeply. Axiom struggled to relate to his siblings in the beginning and much prefer the company of his mother, learning everything she did with her magic. He learned from an early age that he and his brothers could not produce magical results. Being made from magic: magic cannot make magic.  When his mother fell sick at 18 years of age he became emotionally despondent. No longer smiling or speaking unless spoken to.

TBC - Jack is on my case telling me to upload more ocs. History later mkay


• Freckles

• Small scar on cheek from falling from a tree as a kid.

• Glasses

• Tall and thin

• Shaved Face

• Blue Eyes


• Knows hundreds of alchemical combinations. 

• Looking for a book? Don't know the title? Describe it: Axiom knows.

• Loves stealing Idun's scarf. Smells just like the wifey <3

• Completely understands technology

• Aching for a family

• Calm... always



Brother - Wiccan Werewolf; It's Complicated. The Outcast.
Independent and Relaxed. Relationship: Good.



Sibling - Wiccan Werewolf; Married. Librarian of Huxton Academy.
Intelligent and Collected. Relationship: Poor.



Brother - Wiccan Werewolf; Married. Alpha of the original Four.
Proud and Capable. Relationship: Very Good.



Wife - Wiccan Werewolf; Instructor.
Refined and Capable. Relationship: Perfect<3