

Basic Info

English Name


Japanese Name





Vivi, Wanderer Of The Woods


December 5 (Sagittarius)









Starting Class


Love Interest(s)




Heroes Title

Diminutive Pyromaniac

Help Description

A strangely playful young woman who loves to play dangerously with fire.


A mysteriously strange witch who just seems to look like a normal little girl dressing up. She seeks to know more about the unknowns in the world. The most unconfident soldier in the army. Born on 12/3.


"Hey... Do you think this world is more than just what it seems to be...? I sure think so since new things are popping up more and more often every day-- right, Dotty? 'Yep! You're right, Vivienne!' *giggles*"


Define Name:

Vivienne means "alive" in French.

Vivian also means "alive" but in Latin.


Vivienne is a complete odd-ball with a jolly and energetic personality. She is a witch who likes to socialize and discover new things in the world because of always being in a secluded area which is the complete opposite beyond people's expectations. Even though she takes on the appearance of a being called a witch, in which people tend to find as very intimidating for their ability in dark magic, she is completely unconfident in her own words and easily doubts her powers she possesses. Her way of speech is informal towards everyone and she also often tends to laugh or giggle to show her bubbly side and get people to loosen up around her. It is also known that the young woman is very loyal to the Nohrian Royal siblings and would practically do anything to keep them safe as well as take on the tasks they ask her to do even if it may possibly be dangerous or beyond their control. But because of their relationship they had developed and her lonely side of being an only child living in such a secluded place, she grew attached to the Nohrian Royals and considered them as family enough to go out in the face of danger. Besides being positive all around and sometimes even mischievous, she is to be feared when angered. Her frown would furrow deeply when she is bothered and eventually she would try to burn things down with her fire magic to vent out her anger that bubbles up in her body. There is nothing to calm down that fierce anger of hers, but thankfully she isn't easy to anger, being disturbed in the morning is an exception however. Vivienne grew into a nosy young woman because of the type of tasks given to her and would often try to listen into conversations she shouldn't be listening into sometimes thus becoming a bad habit of hers. It is known that when something funny comes to her mind, she starts smirking to avoid laughing-- she can't seem to hide the smirk in any way. Some people think that when she starts smirking, it means that she is planning some sort of wily scheme when in reality it is just some kind of silly event or line playing in her mind. Though normally she isn't destructive by nature and just completely playful, as shown when she performs ventriloque with her stuffed cat, she can suddenly have an episode of pyromania and would just look for something to burn without a word said. Her interest is easily captured on cute and abstract things such as her plush toy and people actually find it unsettling because she tends to call many things cute even if it strikes them the wrong way. Even with her childish personality, she is also quite a responsible young lady who is capable of speaking logic and preventing others from doing something ridiculously out of hand.


Midnight blue hair, bright magenta eyes, and fair skin


Vivienne has long layered hair that is tied up by a brown braided hair tie into a left side ponytail, reaching below her shoulder blades. The hair tie's strings are tied into a bow underneath her ponytail and the ends of her hair are wavy. Her bangs are swept to the left and covers up her eye completely. They are tucked behind her ear and a long lock of curled hair-- reaching above her waist-- while the rest of her hair frames her cheeks.

Vivienne's extra wear consists of a giant black witch hat that has a magic based brown lantern attached to the end of it--magic based to keep it from pulling off her hat. It always has light turned on for décor and light. Around her neck is a black hollow circle patterned choker secured by a white ribbon tied at the back of her neck, which doubles as a cape. The ends of the ribbon reaches above her calves. She wears a black tube top dress that is cut into a "W" form around her chest. Her dress reaches a little above her mid thighs with the two side flaps of the skirt overlapping the front and back flaps-- the back happens to be a bit longer than the front-- on her dress. The corners of the skirt are rounded out and each sections are detached from each other. The sides-- all the way down to her skirt-- and front of her dress from only the torso is kept together by a dark purple-blue ribbon. They are crossed with each other into the forms of "X's". Her skin up to her waists slightly peek out through the laced ribbons. Apparently, the dress looks like a corset and a skirt put together, but it really is only one full dress. The hem of the dress around her chest and the edges of her skirt are dark purple-blue and the bottom of her skirt is decorated with a dark purple-blue symbol on both her front and back flaps as well as the décors that cover the entire side flaps. She has a big brown pouch strapped off to the right side of her waist with a silver buckle securing it on her left. Attached also on the left side of her belt is a long ripped up dark purple-blue cloth that reaches to her feet. Her thighs have thin black thigh cuffs with a similar design as her choker. Vivienne also wears triangular cut puffy detached dark purple-blue sleeves, the right sleeve being tucked into a brown glove and the other one dangling loose. Each sleeve has white thin lace decorating the ends. Her left arm bears a triangular shaped fingerless dark purple-blue glove unlike her right hand that bears a regular glove. She wears triangular cut black and dark purple-blue socks that reach a little below her knees. Her brown cuffed short heeled boots reach up to the bottom of her calves, an extra layer of grey cloth covering around the ankle of her boots. Black laces are seen creating "X's" at the neck of her boots.


Despite seeming like and outsider, Vivienne is a Nohrian resident born in the slums who moved out of the cities and lived as a secluded witch in the woods along with her mother, Mabel, a powerful sorcerer. Not wanting to stick around in the slums any further nor get involved with the high status citizens of Castle Krakenburg, the small family decided to live out in an abandoned cozy cabin hidden away from the residents for safety. Before dressing up as a witch and letting her bangs hang over her eye for her witch aesthetics or so she believed, Vivienne dressed up just like any other dark mages that were seen out there residing in the cities of Nohr. Her interest in being diverse from everyone around her as well as strangely unique eventually expanded her mind further into the interest of becoming a living myth until she had the thought of dressing up completely differently and similarly to a witch of some sort. She was already pretty lonely in the first place, never interacting with anyone and staying home with her mom, thus fueling her energy to prank people who do not know her existence. Even though her appearance may have changed to be more mischievous, her personality is still the same as usual which clashes with her more mischievous and darker appearance. Vivienne doesn't understand how to communicate with anyone other than her mother-- so instead, she would just roam around near by cities in the woods and watch how other people would communicate with each other. Because of this, she picked up a few tid bits of vulgar behavior, which she got in trouble for with her strict mother. Instead of having any vulgar behavior or language used around her mother, she would do use it and "practice" communicating with her plushie that she received as a birthday gift from Mabel instead. Never has she been caught acting like the thieves in the slum by her mother, but the thought of being caught did frighten her due to how much Mabel despised the people residing in the slums. Vivienne still wonders today where or who her father is, but her mother refuses to talk to her about him thus never knowing anything about him. In reality, Vivienne was an unintentional daughter that Mabel has and didn't want, but she decided to keep her rather than have her aborted or tossed away along with the other people in the slums. When she is married in the future, she'll have a daughter named Lydia.


For the majority of her life, the young woman had been practicing with both dark and anima magic under her mother's wing for years. Besides the basics, her capabilities in magic had became quite advance under the strict watch and painful training sessions that she was forced to go through. Her mother would often punish her if she got even a tiny bit of a mistake in her work in order to get Vivienne to perfect her arts. Mabel didn't really hate nor love Vivienne which made it all the more easier for her to be so brutally strict against her own daughter during her lessons as well. In the beginning for every mistake she makes, her mother would give her a shock to get her to try harder. Soon after the shock would simply build up in power, but not enough to kill her to install fear and efforts into her-- more fear towards her mother was forced into her along the way however. Training also consisted of fending off curses from herself and to lessen the damage and effect of magic on her body even though she was never explained how to do any of it. Rather, Mabel just brushed it off and told her to use her instincts to fend the magic off since there was no actual way to teach it. One little mistake was capable of bringing disaster upon them within a second, but her mother also used it as a threat and tell her if she was allow things to get out of hand and they both were unharmed, she would personally just get rid of her since she sees the lack of potential she has, which is why her training schedule is always so harsh-- and contained minor injuries to deal with due to Vivienne's fear of being tossed aside by her own strangely heartless mother-- to insure that her lessons are drilled into her mind. Even though with these physical and mental pains she had to experience through out her life, she is still the same energetic and peppy girl she began as-- she was told that her mother was only trying to pass on her knowledge in magic to her next so that it could continue to live on when she is gone, but she doesn't exactly know if it was true or not because Mabel was rather a secretive person and spoke of whatever bluntly even if it wasn't true. Seeing her change her appearance almost entirely Mabel didn't like it very much but she wasn't against her new fashion and allowed her daughter to wear whatever she wanted to wear. She eventually grew curious about her new ensemble and even quietly judged her taste for wanting to be so "weird" rather than "normal". Vivienne didn't mind being called weird or strange and continued to dress up differently in a witch's fashion until she found one that she grew attached to the most. With this new look and new personality developed for herself by herself, the young woman eventually started her outside life from home with pranking much to her mother's dismay thus resulting Mabel to completely ignore her and simply shooting disappointed looks her way.


Since Vivienne lives away from human contact and-- to top it off-- her new appearance is now of a witch, many rogues have become curious of her sudden appearances and disappearances from the woods near by the slums to the point where they became desired to catch the strange female for money. News of a reappearing witch without a known face eventually spreads among the bandits in Nohr and up into the royals' ears, which caused more interest to be focused on the pranking witch and giving her a bounty above her head with her knowledge little did they know. Many of the bandits assigned themselves multiple groups of witch hunters to find her in order to to catch her faster, but they also fought amongst themselves stupidly deciding how the money would be split once she is sold off. According to the witch hunters, the young woman is a "rare and perplexing" sight because of her unforeseen visits. It seems that no one recognizes her not only because of the changes she made on her outfit and style but also because they have simply never saw her. The new activity of witch hunting eventually grew bigger and bigger each time she took a walk around outside the slums in the shrouds of dead trees due to her lantern catching the attention of passersby and eventually her bounty on her head grew to an increasing amount for her carelessness. In the rogues' point of view, they only see a floating glowing light that would eventually disappear out of nowhere when, really, the witch-- who is completely aware of them-- is just messing around with the groups by being there, walking around in the first place, and then simply blowing out the flame in her treasured lantern when they look away or attempt to approach. There were times were Vivienne had gotten into situations where she was nearly caught by the rogues before, but her tricks and pranks continued to carry on as if nothing had happened to taunt the hunters even further. Eventually, the young woman did get herself captured for getting too dauntless in her newly profound activity in which she ended up having the help of the Nohrian Royals-- who happened to be out of their castle to carry out their duties-- get her out of the mess she created before she was sold off for good. Relieved to be saved, the witch took an interest on the Royals for not only for being kind enough to help her out of a pinch, but also for not being so blind by greed like everyone else; she ends up deciding to serve them in the end when she is needed by perceiving their heeds with a specially casted magic spell. Time went on as the witch learned to master teleport in order to travel from place to place to and from the castle. With her new position in Castle Krakenburg, even Vivienne's mother was astonished with her place in the castle, but hope she does not attract all the unwanted attention to her.


Unable to Recruit. As a witch serving for the Nohrian Royals, Vivienne often appears by their side in a blink of an eye when she is needed for any task. Xander often depends on her to scout out for enemy lines from afar before they start heading off into battle unprepared, but there are times where her ability is incapable of going out too far of a distance for her to head out and see. Even so, she tries to fulfill his request as best as she could not to disappoint him. Camilla, on the other hand, depends on her magic to help her hold off enemy lines from breaking through as she heads off to rid the enemies from getting any closer. Leo doesn't rely on Vivienne as much as the others, but he does ask her to dupe the enemies during battles in order to round them up for eradication. She often watches over Elise specifically and appears to come aid her when she gets into trouble upon the siblings' request. In general, the young woman will not allow any of the royals to get injured when they are out in battle in order to loyally repay her debt to them for saving her from danger before even if it is Corrin who she has to goes against. Vivienne certainly does not show any mercy on them even if they were a part of the Nohrian Royal Family-- she instantly becomes hostile towards them once they choose to side with Hoshido. It does bother her that she has to go against against a single Nohrian Royal that she never was able to interact with, but she chose to in order to satisfy the others after Corrin went against them. It was also easier for her to attack them without any hesitation since she had no actual bond with the royal.

As a witch that only served the royal siblings, Vivienne is normally seen appearing and disappearing from everyone's line of sight-- though this time was another unfortunate event for the young woman. Vivienne had been cornered by faceless enemies and for some reason they continued to grow in numbers especially when she got rid of a few. By the time Corrin came, Vivienne had been drowned in the amount of faceless she had to go against during her time alone. She was eventually quickly dragged out of the pile with a few more slaughtered by Corrin's army, though as each one fell one by one, the enemy numbers continued to grow. As orders were brought upon everyone by Corrin, the Army quickly escapes to safety with the injured witch following at tow. Another line of gratitude eminates from Vivienne as she gets her wounds treated and offers her service to Corrin once again, but this time to their cause. 

Corrin's small group managed to escape the royal bloodlines of Nohr and Hoshido-- but under Xander's, command the witch was quickly ordered to look for his dear rebellious sibling. She as well as others were tasked to kill Corrin as soon as they find them, but upon suddenly falling to the blades of Vallites soldiers, she was saved again by Corrin. She quickly tried to carry out her job that had been assigned to her by the High Prince she cared dearly for, but after deciding to listen to the young royal she always looked after from afar, Vivienne eventually agreed to accept what they believed they wanted to do and offered her help despite going against Xander. From then, on she traveled with fear of the possible wrath Xander would have waged on her, but also traveled wtih determination to help protect Corrin with all she could give them.  


  • Shadowgift- Allows the user to use Dark Magic in other tome wielding classes
  • Witch's Brew- Obtain medicine at the end of your action for the first 7 turns. Trigger % = (Lck stat)
  • Warp- Allows user to move to a space adjacent an ally
  • Toxic Brew- Reduces the enemy’s Movement to 0 and Avoid by 20 after the battle until the next turn
  • (Personal)Enchantment- Maximum 2 enemies within a 3 tile radius are casted freeze at the start of the user’s turn. Trigger 25%

Class Sets:

Witch's Mark:

  • Witch 

Heart Seal:

  • Adventurer 
  • Bow Knight

Partner Seal:

  • [R/C]Paladin

Friendship Seal:

  • [R/C]Dark Mage- Branches off to Sorcerer or Dark Knight
  • [R/C]Mercenary- Branches off to Hero or Bow Knight
  • [R]Sky Knight- Branches off to Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight  





  • Xander
  • Niles
  • Odin
  • Silas
  • Siegbert
  • M!Corrin



  • Hinoka
  • Hana
  • Eluria
  • Lana
  • Lydia
  • F!Corrin


  • Xander
  • Ryoma
  • Hayato
  • Azama
  • Siegbert
  • M!Corrin