


7 years, 5 months ago


Traits: Earth Pony (common)

Single Gradient Tail (common)

Regular Hooves (common)

This is Zhen and he's brown sugar scented :3

Name: Zhen

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Zhen is a sunshine child. With his calming voice and natural charm, he unintentionally makes everyone drawn to him. His friendly demeanor and natural urge to make people smile makes him a lovely friend to have around. He's only stubborn when it comes to hardwork but he doesn't like pushing others to do things they're not comfortable with. In his tea shop, he claims that his tea will soothe both the mind and the soul, making customers come back every time. Some people say that they only come back to be greeted by his signature smile. He has practically 0 temper it's almost impossible to make him angry.

About: Zhen owns his own little Chinese oriented bakery/tea shop! He makes anything from the heartiest meat buns to the most delicate-tasting teas. He loves seeing the smiles of people who eat his food and that's enough to encourage to wake up every morning and open up shop.

Likes: Helping others, warm weather, tea, seeing/making others smile, when people compliment his food, and the moment in the day where he can change the shop sign to "open"

Dislikes: Soda, holding grudges, and peanuts

-toyhou.se/705864.sunny-swirl#2… (girlfriend)
-Violette! (close friend)
-Crystellar (friend)
-Midnight Mirage (friend)
-Butterscotch (friend)
-Winsome Tome (friend)
-Sedgwick (friend/tea supplier)
-Philip (friend)
-Cake Walk (friend)
-Winsome Tome (friend/regular customer)
-Ranka (friend)
- Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin (friend)

-His favorite foods are:
    -Moon cakes/bean buns
    -Meat buns
    -Chamomile tea
    -Dumplings (both fried and steamed)
-He can speak both English and Mandarin Chinese fluently