Henri de Anjou





Henri de Anjou








4’4” ft








Business CEO


Iota Clan



Henri is a Gamma Floss who’s currently working as the head CEO of an ice cream company in the Iota Clan. His ice cream company, from the behind the scenes, however, secretly cooperates with a crime group that specializes in smuggling drugs. Together, he and his husband Azazel, who’s the head of the crime group, will come together to implement and hide the drugs that they’ll manage in the ice cream that Henri will manufacture before shipping them out in secluded spots and more.

At the moment, he’s living a lavish lifestyle, after having overcome quite a handful of obstacles already. He knows that working this sort of job can be dangerous, but he’s long been prepared for anything - even if it means getting stabbed again.


Henri doesn’t take shit from anybody, not anymore. He can come off as plastic, meaning he’ll typically greet and interact with his peers with fake formalities. And behind his false niceties, there is a stern and serious side to him that can be intimidating when messed with. He has a steel work ethic and will not yield when it comes to doing business.

He can be strict and orderly, often trying to be the head of any work-related project. He knows how to lead when it comes to work. His bedroom life is a different story though. He doesn’t take kindly to slackers and will spare no mercy to the procrastinators out there. He knows how to dedicate himself to success.

Sometimes, though, he needs to be reminded to take a break. Because as much as he can have an iron grip when it comes to how he handles business, whenever he’s not working, Henri is generally more calm and neutral. Deep down, he can be soft, which is a side he has reserved for his loved ones.


As a Gamma, Henri has the power of super strength. He’s pretty average when it comes to being able to utilize his abilities, however, his control is not the best and whenever he’s feeling provoked or excited, he will usually activate his super strength without even realizing it. Intense emotions, whether positive or negative, are usually factors that come to play with his powers spiraling out of control.

Not in a way where he’ll accidentally hurt someone, but in a way where, with anything he might be holding onto in that moment, like a pen for example, he’s prone to breaking said item or thing.


Henri was once a pushover.

Having grown up in a rich business family with tall expectations, Henri grew up gaining bits and pieces of his identity from what others had to say about him. The words that would come out from other people were what often offered him with self-validation. He was popular and cared a lot about what social connections he would forge and maintain, especially when it came to the one and only Azazel Corvin, a rich kid that was the son of his family’s friend.

Henri especially made sure to butter up and kiss ass to Azazel, whom he would gain certain social privileges with just by association. And while Azazel would never treat him nicely, Henri just sucked up to all that mistreatment and stuck around anyway. This would go on for a while, with Henri always having to tolerate any of Azazel’s cruel words and actions, whether it be directed at him or anyone else.

Then, one day, Azazel decided to use Henri as his sexual guinea pig. He was curious about experimenting with his sexuality one day and wanted to learn how to go about exploring that. Though Henri wasn’t all too enthusiastic about this arrangement at first, he also didn’t want to lose his long-term friendship with him even more and decided to just go with the flow and accept the terms and services of this new friends-with-benefits relationship.

Henri genuinely thought that nothing new would be gained out of this. However, much to his dismay, he ended up falling in love with Azazel the more they would sleep together. He was horrified to come to this conclusion, since he’d always secretly thought of Azazel as a jerk, and now he was a jerk that had a tight hold of his heart too, which he didn’t want. Because as much as Henri was willing to kiss ass, when it came to the topic of his love life, he at least wanted a partner that could respect and love him back.

And he didn’t think that Azazel was capable of returning those sentiments.

So, with that assumption in mind, Henri decided to cut off ties with him and then just abruptly leave. As he distanced himself away from Azazel for a good year, in hopes that his feelings for him would just go away, Henri eventually took over the role of head CEO for his father’s ice cream company, once his older brother decided to step down because he didn’t think the job and the workload that came with it was something that he could handle.

But Henri could handle it.

As he trained himself to become the new face of the company, he came to develop thick skin along the way. He still, unfortunately, never truly moved on from Azazel though, no matter how much he buried himself with work. No matter what he did, no matter what he tried, he could never forget about him…

Then one day, after a year had passed, the day came where Henri had to meet up with Azazel again because of business. Eventually, the two were going to have to work together due to their professions, although it wasn’t easy, having to cooperate with one another, at first. There were tensions and they were high.

One day, however, while having to stay over at Azazel’s place because they had hosted a long conference meeting over there and Henri might as well stay the night over since it was getting too late to drive, Azazel caught Henri crying. He didn’t question it the first time, but when it happened again the next time Henri had decided to stay over, he finally decided to ask why.

And Henri was just overwhelmed.

Being back at Azazel’s place and remembering all of the memories that they used to share together, all of the times that Azazel would ever handle him, touch him, be by his side… it was all so painful to recall. Henri’s heart yearned to be in his arms again, but his brain firmly told him to stop it.

Stop missing him because you deserve better.

But what Henri needed to realize, as Azazel questioned why he was crying on that night before they proceeded to have a long talk after that, is that Azazel was already better. Because what Henri needed to understand, as he would learn later on, is that Azazel missed him too and wanted him back. Not just as a fuck buddy, but as more than that by this point.

And it would take a while for both of them to understand that, so there’s a slow burn being developed there. Somewhere along the way, Henri also gets stabbed by one of the drug dealers that they would typically work with, since the dealer secretly had a personal vendetta against his family, and Azazel almost feels his heart shatter when he had discovered Henri bloody and on the verge of death.

Eventually, Azazel would go on to hunt down the fucker that had dared to harm Henri himself. And while he was doing so, he kept checking up on Henri at the hospital, his actions speaking louder than anything he might ever say.

Henri had to learn, as he slowly healed from that incident, that Azazel really does care.

Once they’d both gradually came to the conclusion that they felt the same way for each other, and Henri was the first to confess his feelings for Azazel since he’d clearly failed to get rid of them before. It just came bursting out from him, like a dormant volcano ready to erupt.

He was ready to get turned down, only to be surprised when Azazel kissed him, expressing that he wanted to give dating a try. It wasn’t easy at first, being in an intimate relationship with each other, but they managed to overcome any emotional obstacles that might come in their way as a couple.

In the beginning, Henri was very fearful and doubtful of Azazel just wanting him for sex again. It was like that with them before, how would this be any different now? What if Azazel just liked the idea of sex better than the idea of dating him, if things didn’t work out between them when it came to relationship compatibility? But Azazel had proven, time and time again, that he wanted more than just his body.

They never slept together until about over half a year later or so into the relationship because Azazel wanted to show Henri that he wanted to cherish and treasure his heart too. They would go on dates and share little gestures of affection that helped ease Henri out of his initial concerns. Eventually, Henri grew to trust Azazel with everything about him, and he helped Azazel see that he loved him just as much too.

Currently, they’re now married, forever dedicated to each other after conquering a whole bunch of emotional rollercoasters. There’s a steady sense of confidence in their relationship now, followed by moments of reassurance and love. At the moment, Henri is at his prime when it comes to his work as well, and he's the most confident he's ever been in a long time.


Henri loves mochi ice cream, especially when it’s taro-flavored or green-tea flavored.

He used to smoke, but not anymore. He mostly smoked during the year that he took to be away from Azazel, back when he was still trying to forget about him. However, he could never truly forget and he eventually found himself gravitating toward the same specific brand of smokes that Azazel would smoke, just to remember the taste of him. He stopped smoking once he and Azazel decided to step into an official relationship together. And ever since then, Henri has never felt the urge to smoke again. Instead, he’ll find himself tasting cigarettes and smoke from Azazel’s lips once more, but this time permanently, now that they’re married and have been together for years now.

He has an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister, and all of them have children. In total, Henri has six nieces and nephews, all of whom have been trying to compete for the position of his job someday. They all aspire to be like him, with his wealth and power.


7459378?1601144161 Azazel Corvin

beloved husband

8716216?1604288796 Dr. Hu

mutual acquaintance & distant co-worker

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7774962?1596638609 Zashi Tanaka

mutual acquaintance

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mutual acquaintance

5381835?1605663739 Ragno Bleu

mutual acquaintance

Money is time and you're wasting a lot of it right now.
