


3 years, 10 months ago


+Name: Braelyn

+Height: 5'8

+Weight: around 110-150 pounds

+Age: 20 years old

+Sex: Female

+Sexuality: Straight

+Species: Werewolf

+Personality: she is very intelligent, mostly narcissistic about herself, egotistical at times, but also bright, she is a "natural born leader" as she claims to be one, she also likes to help others. She can be impulsive at a certain level. she tries to be mature and level-headed and she tends to attempt it in order not ruin her image. she is often trying her best to be confident and be optimistic about the world even with so many issues on the surface about it. She can struggle identifying herself sometimes.

+Description: She is a werewolf with pink eyes and bright orange color fur with peach-blond color on her belly with stitches in the middle of her torso and has a stitch on her muzzle with burn scars on one of her right paws and burn scars on the torso

She has an alternate form as well which her alt form is a more desaturated of orange with two scars on her right eye with a tied up cloth on her head and is a maned wolf

+Backstory: Braelyn was born with a gene that could make her thrive being a werewolf without being a bloodthirsty machine and as it especially started when puberty hit for her, and as many years passed by she has her own goals, ambitions, and dreams to accomplish and works as a part-time casher in the gas station that has slushies.