


3 years, 11 months ago


This profile is marked for renewal and will soon be revamped. Please take all information with a grain of salt.

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The goal of the two Alpha Antediluvians is to shift the balance of power among high beings that are too powerful to otherwise be destabilized. They step in when there is too much stability within a social system, wherein some are too powerful to be betrayed and some are too suppressed to rise.

Both have unlimited power and abilities, are immortal, and, like other Antediluvians, can instantaneously see the past, present, and all possible futures. However, they cannot forsee each other. They are each hidden from each other both physically and metaphorically; they cannot detect the other in any way while their guard is up. The only way to interact with the other is to allow themselves to be interacted with.

Unlike other Antediluvians to whom this never applies, when put in conditions their feline bodies cannot handle such as the harsh environment of space, the Alpha Antediluvians will revert to their origin forms. Aside from now appearing as demonic monsters, their abilities and personalities do not change.

Essentially, Cypher constantly undermines authority and Scar creates rivals for authority. Cypher encourages her users to make actions that betray others, effectively degrading those betrayed. Scar encourages her users to take risks, which improves their status.

The two will only meet when the 'impossible' happens: Scar's entity gets betrayed. This occurs if Scar has built up her user into someone with enough influence to attract Cypher.
Scar knows Cypher is behind the betrayal because otherwise she would have foreseen such an outcome. This is when Scar drops her guard and the two are revealed to each other. Scar is then able to undo the damage Cypher has done in betraying Scar's user before exiling both herself and Cypher to a faraway universe.

Cypher's job is to degrade higher entities by instructing her users to betray them. This can involve shattering an existing relationship or gaining and abusing the trust of the higher entity. Her actions leave lasting impacts on those betrayed due to the untouchable nature of her targets.

▫  Cypher is the more 'evil' Alphadiluvian since she actively encourages destructive actions.
▫  She greatly enjoys her job and revels in the chaos she causes.
▫  Cypher comes off as corrupt and malicious, though her actions mean well in a broader perspective.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  

Scar's duty is to help her users take the right risks needed to gain power. Her users are the suppressed and the powerless whom she teaches to escape the shadows of high entities. Her goal is to create underdogs to rival high entities.

▫  Scar puts emphasis on justice and equality, and thus prefers users who have been demoralized by high entities.
▫  She helps her users take revenge on high entities.
▫  Despite her menacing appearance, Scar is very level-headed and careful.

Intelligence   Confidence   Empathy   Charisma  