


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Nicknames Harlequin
  • Alignment ???
  • Sexuality Asexual

"Every fool will freely feast."

After escaping Pandora's box, Gluttony took a liking to the role of the fool. They use entertainment as a means to influence people around them into overindulgence. They would reside in noble courts, public festivals, or anywhere else they could put on a show. Even now, They still frequent circuses and fair grounds.

Gluttony is always dressed for their role, ready to entertain and mesmerize at the drop of a hat. The style of clown or jester they disguise as may change depending on the occasion. They may also drastically change their physical form if they feel it would benefit their entertainment value.

They are a performer above all else. They love making grand gestures, romanticizing even the most mundane things. They pride themselves in their charm and ability to captivate any audience.

Gluttony's specialty is mass manipulation. Unlike the other spirits of Pandora's box, they can easily convince a crowd through entertainment. They mostly use this ability to convince people to indulge in things they're already interested in- though to an absurd or even dangerous degree. Despite the passive nature they typically choose, they can give direct orders to those under their influence. They're not the strongest physically, but they are agile. They will use their speed to their advantage, either to escape, or to tire out their opponent.

profile html byHukiolukio