


7 years, 4 months ago


Venture into the deepest part of the forest, seek them out if you dare...
No humans or those with darkened hearts may enter, or else fall to the hungry flames of this guardian.

Lullaby is a nymph with the aspect of fire, and the ability to read fortunes. Though, this is only for those with pure nature and kind hearts. Paw readings are also offered, but only if one is willing to endure a riddle from this sharp-witted fox.
They also plague the nearby human village as a ferocious flame monster...Though, the reason is just.

        "Foxes are pests" is a term greatly used centuries ago in a small town at the foot of the great mountain. They would feed upon hens and the town's scarce food sources. They would often trap these "pests" and take their pelts with joy. But a lantern boy saw one trapped in the tiny cage. It was wounded from the trappers tormenting it in their own fun. The lantern boy could not stand for this, and he paid them for the fox with what little coinage he had and his treasured jacket. 

        He did not keep it as a pet, but set it free instead. The fox would not be tamed, but it did show its own respect by accompanying the lantern boy on his escorts up the mountain and when he would light the grave candles deep withing the forest. In return, the boy would share his food scraps with his friend, and would destroy any fox traps in the area. However, without his jacket in the mountains, the harsh winter took its toll on him. The fox would wait, but the boy hadn't come for quite some time. 

        But, then the fox saw the swaying fire and went to meet the boy. He was not the one holding the fire, but somebody carried him in a cart. The lantern boy did not say anything, he did not come with food, and he did not move from his sleeping appearance. The fox watched on as they lowered him into a hole and covered him; they lit a single candle and left.

        Nobody visited, but the fox sat there, 'You protected me and watched over me; I will do the same for you now'. They never moved from that spot, the fox watched the candle until it burned low and went out; they watched for days and weeks, months, years, and centuries.


*They hoard old or broken toys and trinkets that have been abandoned.

*If you leave a broken item at the edge of their territory with a note that reads, "This item is owned", It will be fixed when you return for it.

*They can take the form of whatever am individual finds the most comforting if they are pure-hearted; If they are not pure of heart, they will take the form of what the individual fears most. They will only show their true form of a fox if it is earned by trust.

*Fire sprites assist them in their duties to nature, acting as omens of guardianship and protection. People see them as butterflies, but their true form are spiritual embers. Lullaby themself hides within a thick layer of phantasmal mist to hide from and confuse potential threats.

*They possess an elegant pipe carved from bone that can grow into the size suitable for a cane. Though, they only smoke sage through it for incense purposes.

*They have no absolute gender, but are made from fire and bones.