



Name Desdemona Leventis
Age 420
Height 5 ft 3 in | 160 cm
Species Starkeeper (Light)
Gender Female
Oreint. Bisexual Demiromantic
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Star Creator+Composer
Birthday January 21
Voice Karuta Roromiya (Inu x Boku SS)
Design Notes

  • Wings are white and tipped grey on the bottom.
  • An "S" is branded above her left breast (our right).
  • Bangs usually covers her right eye, which is blue.
  • Hair is a rainbow inside when facing her. The back of her hair is white.

Desdemona is a fluttering ice statue. She comes off as apathetic for her accused disregard towards other's misfortunes, having little to no response to her surroundings overall. She can understand where their pain comes from and why they would have those feelings, but she wouldn't do anything about it towards people she has no association with. It's not her responsibility to shed sympathy towards everyone, especially if those people have mistreated others or herself. It kind of gives her a hard time picking out which people are doing it for attention versus if someone is truly suffering in a situation they cant fix by themselves. Desdemona keeps her distance from people and will decide for herself who she will put her trust in. She doesn't like to feel lonely all the time. It's often she'll actively isolate herself from others and look like she's ignoring you. In actuallity, sometimes she separates herself to see who would be willing to shoo that loneliness away. Asking for help is a difficult thing to do when it comes to her own well-being.

When she does warm up, she is protective and supportive towards her loved ones. Her stoic expression and monotonous tone says otherwise, but her words and actions speak volumes under the name of love. She is a genuinely honest person, but she isn't foolish enough to give away secrets she promises to keep to others very easily. She'll stand her ground and show her respect towards her friends' privacy. That same honesty can be intimidating if something is done to upset her or lose her trust altogether. She doesn't take most lies very lightly. Lies over insignificant things aren't a big deal, but ones that affect friendships or anything personal will take a whole lot of effort to win her trust again once its broken. Desdemona doesn't give away second chances freely, so consider yourself lucky if that happens to be the case. As long as people are willing to give an open mind towards her, she will be like a mother to you.


  • Can create and retire stars.
  • She used to sing covers of J-Pop songs and write her own lyrics to make songs out of. She is reluctant to sing in front of others, being more comfortable doing it alone in front of a microphone or in the shower.
  • Prefers having her tea hot.
  • Likes collecting ornate tea sets for decoration and to use when inviting friends to have tea with her.
  • Often worries about fitting in with the other Lights, leading to insecure thoughts about how she looks because of her greying wings. Her cold demeanor keeps others at bay from making her feel vulnerable over sharing her feelings.
  • The kind of person who shares her affection through words, speaking like poetry, while her most effective way of recieving affection is through physical contact (as long as it's not in the form of harassment; otherwise she'll kick your balls off or punch you square in the face).
  • Rainbow aesthetics are her eye candy.
  • Something about looking at her reflection in the water puts her in a trance. She can't explain it, but she can best describe it as her soul leaving her body and drifting away into a world she can rest and be purified for all of eternity. It's amazing how water can make you feel philosophical, huh?
  • Has Stockholm Syndrome.
  • Loves Unicorno merch. She has T-shirts, keychains, and plushies from them. Her favorite characters are Pixie and Stellina.

Desdemona was born as a slave child. Her mother was a prisoner of a Dark who kidnapped and sexually assaulted her, thus leading to a pregnancy. Her mother chose not to abort the child to be treated better, in hopes to stay healthy enough to provide for herself and her daughter. She passed away during in early childhood from stardust malnourishment. Desdemona was heavily monitored by Rouges that worked for her master, making sure she met the bare minimum of stardust to be considered healthy. Her wings, greying from dark stardust pollution, had to be dyed white with a cast of a spell. With her impurities hidden behind magic and a prim makeover, the child will be shipped with other Lights to an auction house. Desdemona was prevented from learning spells for herself, in addition to learning how to read or write. She could not defend herself from whatever the strangers did to her once she arrived. She was directed to stand in line with other Lights on a platform and stay put. Wealthy Dark Starkeepers would come in to examine the slaves, eyeing for skin clear from injuries, good hygiene (clear eyes, smooth hair, neat wings, etc.), and sometimes instructed to perform small tasks to measure obedience, work speed, and endurability. The Lights would be touched and handled like consumer products at a retail store. They had no power to resist, as guards were watching in every corner of the house. Desdemona was inspected by one of the wealthiest Darks in the kingdom, Celestino. He won the auction and took her home to his lair.

The young maiden was strip-searched, branded on her chest, and tossed into a windowless cell in Celestino's underground dungeon with nothing but a ragged white gown to wear. With her having little exposure to socialization, she was afraid of anyone who came to see her. She avoids eye contact and talking when she isn't instructed to. She was so afraid that she panics when inmates from behind the walls try to talk to her, resulting to panic attacks. Desdemona kept to herself and trusted no one. Under Celestino's control, she would be escorted out of her cell early in the morning to be partnered with another Light to break down stars into stardust. Along the way, she witnessed some prisoners serve as striptease dancers, sex slaves, and maids. Some of these women were recognized to have worked with her before, meaning some of them had more than one job to do for Celestino. It made her wonder if she would become one of them someday. These thoughts were kept to herself, as the Lights who labored were not allowed to talk. If their performance was too slow or Cel is not satisfied with how much stardust is being produced, those responsible would be punished. She had witnessed slaves in the middle of work being dragged away, apologizing and pleading to not get hurt. Others would be too ill or weak to produce enough stardust. They would be taken away and replaced by another Light to partner with Desdemona, never to be seen again.

Celestino was often found keeping his eye on her whenever he steps in to check on his slaves. She would look away to focus on her work. Some days, he would pull her aside to be paid a little extra of stardust or be taken to his room to learn how to read and write. It came with a price, however. She had to comply doing sexual favors to satisfy him. She had learned the hard way if she refused to act on his wishes. He was easy to anger, so he'll act up and abuse her verbally and physically. She was provoked for her greying wings and disobedient attitude. She had no right to think for herself and would make sure that point got across. She had feathers waxed off and bruises blotched all over her body from being beaten. Seldomely did Cel go for her face. The only time he did was when he went to check on her while he was drunk. He mistook her for another Light who was acused to slacking off in their work, getting socked to the forehead and fell into a concussion. The blow sipped her into uncosciousness and left a bleeding wound that would never heal. In spite of the torture she was put under, Desdemona developed feelings of attachment towards him, which turned into romance. Any act of kindness he gave to her she was grateful for. Whenever Celestino sobers up from his angry or drunken outbursts, he would make up his violent actions by splurging gifts and shallow affection towards her. She doesn't know the relationship is one-sided, but she greatly took his generosity to heart. He was gentle and checked on her to make sure nothing hurt. Desdemona took his kind gestures as signs that he reciprocated thse same feelings.

Any time she had time to herself to think, Desdemona didn't think of escape as an option. It was something she feared. Even if she had an opportunity to escape for herself, she worried over how she can provide for herself. She is a tainted Light with a scar on her chest that she wears like a badge as her primary source of identity. She belonged to Celestino. No one wold want an impure Light Starkeeper for a partner, one who lost her virginity to her master. She felt she would be safer and more well cared for staying by Celestino's side. With anyone else that tried to interact with her, Desdemona puts on a cold demeanor to protect herself and avoid intimacy. She took further measures to defend herself by learning techniques from Celestino himself. He coached her and brought in his Rouge test-dummies for her to fight. He was rather impressed on how quickly she learned, and with such intimidating strength. Whether she wanted to leave him or not, Celestino wouldn't allow her to leave his sight. He found her useful, promoting her as his accomplice to keep the rest of the Lights in check. She would be in charge of making sure they did their jobs as well as tending to Celestino's needs. For as long as she resided under his manor, Desdemonda was sure she was valued by someone.

(WIP? Might write more)


  • Rainbows
  • Butterflies
  • Melancholic Pop Songs
  • Tea Parties

  • Baggy Clothing
  • Holding Hands
  • Feeling Used/Objectified
  • Hairless Animals
  • Stubbornly Lazy People

Celestino | Captor

Being in his presence paralyzes her in fear. She doesn't feel safe even when he's gentle with her. She feels powerless and hollow to do anything about it and allows him to toy her around. In fact, she's been brainwashed into growing dependent on him for her own needs and eventually drowned into the dellusion of falling in love with Celestino.

Veronica | Friend

Desdemona serves as Veronica's temporary partner, aiding her in breaking down stars. (WIP)

Aurelia | ???

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Melody | Councelor

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.