


3 years, 10 months ago




NAME   Cesare



SPECIES   Humanoid

AGE  Ageless (adult)

HEIGHT   5'4" ft (164 cm)

GENDER Male (he/him)

STATUS Forever homed


  • Reading
  • Gothic novels
  • Overcoats and hats (especially caps with visors)
  • Warm weather
  • Arguing (and winning)


  • Being indebt to people
  • Bad book-to-movie adaptations
  • Being bossed around
  • Losing (he's a sore loser even though he won't admit it)
  • Kids


  • Cesare is obsessed with themes of Gothicism and will point them out in any book whether they're from the "official" Gothic period or not
  • He prefers reading fiction over non-fiction and will defend fictious stories like someone's paying him to
  • While he loves thought-provoking conversations and a good argument now and then, he may threaten you (or your life), but he's mostly all bark and no bite 
  • Apart from having read an impressive amount of books, he also likes to write — but he doesn't like to share his own writing


  • He has two shades of brown on him; the main brown is the dark shade of his hair, but he has lighter stripes on him, too (his arms and legs are also that lighter shade)
  • His hairstyle is flexible as long as you don't make it too short or too long—his "bang" can switch sides to maintain his silhouette when necessary
  • Please ask me before drawing him in any outfits that aren't his main one unless you are making gift art, in which case go nuts
  • The gradient on his underbelly is not optional
  • His ears are on the sides of his head (where human ears would be), not the top


Cesare (pronounced che-ZAH-rey) is an unusual librarian and archivist with a passion for rare books, strange manuscripts, mysterious leaflets, and perhaps a codex or two — just to spice things up. If physical media is lost, he probably has it! Emotionally unavailable and aloof, he spends a lot of time in his collection, which probably accounts for his snarky attitude and somewhat untrustworthy nature; although he's not necessarily a malicious creature, he's not always very reliable. He can play the role of a "people person" very well, but he's a little two-faced. Cesare loves being his own boss and wouldn't have it any other way; he hates being told what to do and can't stand bossy people ... even though he probably is "bossy people." For an ageless creature with so much life and experience, he is shockingly unaware of social cues and doesn't always know when to stop running his mouth. Every battle is his battle — and he'll make sure he gets the last word in! He has a great memory, but that's his secret weapon. We're still not sure if he can really be trusted with all the knowledge in his library.