


3 years, 10 months ago



Morphoros is a spirit of vibrant energy, trapped forever inside the physical humanoid body as a dweller of Medium. He is known by everyone as the bringer of discord. Anywhere he travels, he seeks challenges and "mad fun".


  • He looks lean, with broad, slouched shoulders
  • His hair is hot-pink, styled back, curves and sticks out on the sides of the head. Closer to the back of the head, the other part of the hair hangs on the neck and curls up
  • His skin is orange, eyeballs are cyan, iris are mint, shaped in form of rhombus, giving off a hunting look
  • His teeth are cyan and his smile is exaggeratedly big. Tongue is mint

His overall color scheme shifts depending on his mood. His body can also twist and shift in exaggerated ways.


Morphoros in eccentric, mad, cunning, rude, stubborn and indifferent spirit. Very egoistic, toxic in conversations, mocking, sometimes terribly boring and annoying, has insufferable self esteem. Rarely he shows inclinations of empathy, tries to act "mannered". He goes crazy when he is exited. Always overdoing but never finishing. Nobody knows if he is a doushebag or he acts like one.

Mostly Morphoros is not a good spirit. He just follows his own rules which means doing whatever he wants for fun, without much care for others. He shows that there is nothing you can do when he has an eye on you.


  • Whoever God is - he will fight him some day.
  • He has no intent to kill, just to torture.
  • He kills if you piss him off, which is hard judging by his stubborness.
  • Despite his image he cares for those he likes, even though he might not show it.
  • He says he was born from a star to shine upon thee.