Aeris Aciridae



3 years, 11 months ago


TLDR: Sole remaining heir to the aciridae throne. His family line was blessed by the goddess herself. Has been running and hiding from the warlock king since he was 15 years old. Settled down and almost got married to Floryn before he went missing.
"A King is a King, but a Bard is the Heart and Soul of the People"
Title Prince and Heir to the Throne
Race (Blessed) Human
Class Bard/Paladin
Religion Sabraelian
Past Job Musician/Circus Performer
Current Job Innkeeper
Relationship Status Engaged
Ref Sheet Info

Aeris Aciridae
Lost Prince
Only remaining angelic heir to the Cassaelian Throne
Age 25
Birthday August 20th
Star Sign Leo
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bisexual
Alignment Chaotic Good
Voice Claim Info
Singing Voice Claim Info
"Sometimes I feel that I've become the Villain of my Own Story"

Aeris was born and rasied in luxury, the only child of the King and Queen of his Kingdom. He was taught from a young age that his duty to the kingdom now as a prince and later as a king is to protect and provide for his people. His childhood consisted of studies, physical training, and royal ceremonies. He was well educated in all areas, including magic, which he was proficient in by nature. As a child Aeris enjoyed spending time with his family, reading, playing music, and practicing his swordplay above all things.At the age of 8, By age 14, he and the High Priest's daughter (Andromaeda) were betrothed. It is Cassaelian tradition that the Royal Heir must marry the child of the High Priest or Priestess to ensure that the Royal Family and Sabraelian Religion may continue together.

On his 15th birthday, the sky turned dark. He watched as the palace staff scrambled to inform his parents that there was an army of monster's at the palace doors, lead by a Warlock wearing the crest of Sylvaerus. His mother took him by the wrist and dragged him down the halls and into the dungeon, from there she helped him escape the palace. As Aeris climbed through the last tunnel, he looked back to see if his mother was following, only to watch an armoured spider attack and kill her. Aeris, knowing that the majority of the continent disregarded the outter islands, he began his journey to the southwest islands. After weeks of narrowly surviving he stumbled upon a travelling circus full of foreigners, none of which would be able to recognize him. He then assumed a fake identity, and worked closely with the fortune teller for 3 years. When he turned 18, he was gifted a lute by the fortune teller. He slowly began to play for audiences and realized nobody could recognize him, but chose to change his eye colour each performance to throw people off. Before long he began to pull crowds. Now worried someone would be able to recognize him if he was too well known, he set off on his own to find a new home.

When he finally arrived in the southeast islands as he originally planned, he stayed the night in a hamlet in a clearing, guarded all around by mountains, then requested a job at the inn in the morning. After working at this outer islander inn for many months, he began to grow close with a young girl who worked there. She was his only friend, and he was her only friend. By the time Aeris was 20, he felt he had to confess his true identity to her, when he did, she only offered support and sympathy. From then on, they were dating. 2 years after that, they began to plan their wedding.

A week before their wedding, he was kidnapped and has not returned home since. Despite his best efforts to return or even just to contact Floryn, he has been unable to. Leading her to believe that Aeris was taken and killed.

Colors: White/Gold, Green, Purple, Orange
Lute, Lyre and Violin
Providing Acts of Service
Drinking with friends
Colours: Silver/black
Being interrupted
Being alone
Getting his clothing dirty/torn
Losing his Belongings
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.

This is a summary of your character's personality. You can be as long-winded as you please. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Nullam ut leo a ante consectetur mattis at nec lacus. Phasellus a odio et ipsum iaculis consectetur. Pellentesque ac orci ac turpis eleifend ullamcorper. Aliquam tempor condimentum nisi ac egestas. In pretium semper nulla in lacinia. Integer non tincidunt ex, at fermentum risus. Nunc id purus consectetur, dapibus nisl et, placerat elit. Ut vehicula odio ut ipsum hendrerit vestibulum. Praesent sed accumsan lacus, ut consectetur lacus. Donec at pretium metus. Fusce eu turpis aliquam, ornare est nec, aliquam risus.

Sun Sign Leo
Moon Sign Scorpio
Rising Sign Libra
Venus Sign Pisces
Mars Sign Cancer
Enneagram Type 6
Temperament Choleric
Bloodtype AB+
Alignment Chaotic Good
In Argument

Use this to describe how your character acts in an argument or a fight. Do they get angry? Violent? Are they level-headed? Does it make them uncomfortable? Et cetera. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

With Intimacy

Use this to describe how your character acts in regards to intimacy. Are they open about it? Do they avoid it? Are they only really intimate with one person or in private? Et cetera. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Under Pressure

Use this to describe how your character acts under pressure. Do they crack and break down? Do they lie or tell anything that someone wants to hear to get out of a situation? Et cetera. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Height 6'2"
Build Fit, lean, but not bulky
Style Semi-formal, practical, flashy.
Presentation Any. Aeris can and will wear anything he chooses
Hairstyle Fluffy beach curls that come to about halfway down his neck.
Hair Color Milk Chocolate Brown
Eye Shape Deep-set, round. Parallel.
Eye Color Emerald Green
Skin Tone Pale Ivory
Lips Upturned corners. Oversized bottom lip, thin upper lip.
Scars Covered in smaller scars. Huge scars in shape of angel wings on his back.
Extra Features Freckles over his whole body.
Default Expression Smug - Smirk, one eyebrow raised.

This is a summary of your character's appearance. You can be as long-winded as you please. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Nullam ut leo a ante consectetur mattis at nec lacus. Phasellus a odio et ipsum iaculis consectetur. Pellentesque ac orci ac turpis eleifend ullamcorper. Aliquam tempor condimentum nisi ac egestas. In pretium semper nulla in lacinia. Integer non tincidunt ex, at fermentum risus. Nunc id purus consectetur, dapibus nisl et, placerat elit. Ut vehicula odio ut ipsum hendrerit vestibulum. Praesent sed accumsan lacus, ut consectetur lacus. Donec at pretium metus. Fusce eu turpis aliquam, ornare est nec, aliquam risus.

Species Information

List unique information about your character's species here. Does their species explain their features or are they an outlier? Do they gain any extra attributes from their species? Et cetera. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper.

Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis. In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Birthplace Saerilina
Residence ???
Race Human - Angelic Blood
Nationality Cassaelian
Occupation Tavern/Innkeeper
Religion Sabraelian

This is a brief overview of their history as a whole. Basically a TL;DR. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae euismod leo. Curabitur finibus ac risus et aliquam. Quisque fermentum enim sed ligula pharetra semper. Vivamus semper lorem tempor, faucibus risus nec, interdum ipsum. Pellentesque semper ligula vitae magna volutpat lobortis.

In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

Religious Lore

This is to explain the circumstances and events leading up to your character's birth. You can delete this if you need to. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae dapibus sapien. Sed eget purus semper, dapibus tellus a, tincidunt eros. Donec tempus, nunc cursus blandit cursus, purus ante pulvinar erat, ac scelerisque eros ex in velit. Sed ante massa, rhoncus nec aliquet eu, pulvinar vitae erat. Vestibulum aliquet felis et arcu interdum, at semper dui finibus. Quisque ac quam sed elit iaculis rutrum sed vitae tellus. Phasellus id feugiat purus, sed gravida metus. Pellentesque ut placerat sem, in aliquam erat. Sed vel augue vel enim porta ornare tincidunt sed lorem. Donec cursus tempor ullamcorper. Fusce tempus eu tellus sed sodales. Integer gravida dignissim neque nec fermentum. Sed pharetra est ligula, et varius elit consequat ut.


Aeris was born and rasied in luxury, the only child of the King and Queen of his Kingdom. Though he was a happy and care-free child, he was observant, self sofficient, and was aware of the consequences of his actions. He was taught from a young age that his duty to the kingdom now as a prince and later as a king is to protect and provide for his people. His childhood consisted of studies, physical training, and royal ceremonies. He was well educated in all areas, including magic, which he was proficient in by nature. As a child Aeris enjoyed spending time with his family and playing with the children of people close to the royal family as well as reading, writing, playing music, and practicing his swordplay.


As Aeris got older, his studies and training intensified. By the age of 10 he was required to attend more royal ceremonies, attend political meetings, and make public appearances. At this time he was also bethrothed. According to tradition, the royal heir MUST marry the child of the high priest or priestess. This is to ensure the continuation of both the royal family, and the Sabraelian religion. However, his home was invaded by a newcomer. A warlock, worshipping the rival god Sylvaerus, used manipulation to rally the commoners against the monarchy. This resulted in the invasion of the palce, the slaughter of the palace staff, and both the king and queen. Aeris however, with the help of his mother, managed to escape. But not before witnessing her death.


In the years between the ages of 14 and 23, Aeris spent running and hiding his identity, picking up odd jobs and performances to keep himself fed and housed, even travelling with a circuis at one point. Since Aeris' body was never found, the warlock, now new king, has put up a bounty for Aeris's head. This has resulted in many kidnappings and attempts on his life. The physical trauma he has sustained was easily healed by his own magic, however, the mental damage he has sustained cannot easily be healed. The most recent kidapping happened days before his wedding.


This is to explain the circumstances and events leading up to your character's birth. You can delete this if you need to. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae dapibus sapien. Sed eget purus semper, dapibus tellus a, tincidunt eros. Donec tempus, nunc cursus blandit cursus, purus ante pulvinar erat, ac scelerisque eros ex in velit. Sed ante massa, rhoncus nec aliquet eu, pulvinar vitae erat. Vestibulum aliquet felis et arcu interdum, at semper dui finibus. Quisque ac quam sed elit iaculis rutrum sed vitae tellus. Phasellus id feugiat purus, sed gravida metus. Pellentesque ut placerat sem, in aliquam erat. Sed vel augue vel enim porta ornare tincidunt sed lorem. Donec cursus tempor ullamcorper. Fusce tempus eu tellus sed sodales. Integer gravida dignissim neque nec fermentum. Sed pharetra est ligula, et varius elit consequat ut.

This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.

"This is a quote."


This is a summary. You can make it long or you can make it short, it doesn't matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat.

In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.

"This is a quote."


This is a summary. You can make it long or you can make it short, it doesn't matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat.

In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.

"This is a quote."


This is a summary. You can make it long or you can make it short, it doesn't matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat.

In est ex, efficitur ac tortor a, volutpat varius augue. Maecenas facilisis ante a egestas iaculis. Morbi rhoncus enim non orci tincidunt, et consequat metus posuere. Morbi ac tortor auctor, pretium velit non, consequat nisi. Praesent hendrerit libero quis mauris porta laoreet. Integer nec nisl scelerisque, rutrum velit sit amet, euismod tellus. Morbi venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus a scelerisque orci.

This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.
This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.
This is a summary. Think of it as the absolute most basic way to boil down the relationship.