


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

important note (more below)

golden markings are not optional, only reason they're not drawn in the reference sheet is when to show the fur markings underneath. His horns aren't optional either ALSO same with every other Drohik/wolron and the other zodiacs, his horns glow whenever his power is used or when he's charging up, so does his eyes.


He's got 2 refs now




The Snake Bearer


The snake represents change, transformation or transition, but he can also represent the Resistance to change, personal transformation or inner purging.

Ophiuchus is one of the 13 zodiac deities of the south, and the youngest and most recent to join the ranks of the gods. Said to have been raised from the dead by Gemini and given a second chance and a new purpose. From the very start he was in odds with his new brethren, brethren that did not embrace him as one of their kin, instead rejected and cast to the side by the majority.

Still the dislike and distrust from the other gods did not stop or discourage the young god, he set forth with a new plan of his, finally no longer a bystander he had the power to actually affect and make changes to the world. The snake had brought new magic in to the realms, turning mere mortal creatures and critters into beasts of magic. The deities of the world called upon the zodiacs to put a stop to their younger brother who was interferring with the realm of mortals. And soon enough the southern gods caved in from the pressure of the northern, western and eastern ones and confronted Ophiuchus. Things quickly got heated and after a bloody fight the snake was bound by all 12 of the zodiacs, his own creator Gemini agreeding to binding the snake if only to stop the bloodshed. Though behind the backs of the others, one of them finished the snake off by cutting out the heart with a god killing weapon. Though what this perticular zodiac didn't know was that death to Ophiuchus was just like a snake shedding it's skin, and so the soul of the snake would just split from it's body to find a new body to inhabit before he would one day return in his full glory to seek revenge against his back stabbing brethren.

Even after he disappeared he was still worshipped in certain regions and cultures, whilst other feared him like the devil for having created those terrible beasts that had slaughtered dozens, no, hundreds of humans, elves and dwarves alike. And should he return the only thing that could defeat him again would be the combined might and power of the 12 zodiacs, harmony over death.
