The Pumpkin Queen



3 years, 11 months ago


  • Pumpkin Queen

  • Age Unknown
  • Gender Girl
  • Pronouns She
  • Species Pumpkin
  • Date of Creation October 31st, 2015

Charasmatic • Charitable • Enigmatic

The Pumpkin Queen is nothing less than her name states, the queen of the pumpkins. The Pumpkin Queen is a powerful fae creature of unknown origins. She has existed since before the ascension of the Divine (gods) and while not openly acknowledged by many she, the Pumpkin Queen, is considered to be just as powerful and just chooses not to flaunt her abilities the same way as them.

Generally the Pumpkin Queen is found fling around with her bee-like fairy wings getting into whatever mischief she sees fit. This regularly means following around significantly weaker magic users and assisting them until she, the Pumpkin Queen, must move onto something else. To be honest few have found her doing anything other than that.

It is mandatory to say she, the Pumpkin Queen, when referring to her. It is compulsion and for a moment you will not realize that you said the Pumpkin Queen.

She, the Pumpkin Queen, is a master of "disguise", being described as a quick change artist is maybe more appropriate though. Her outfits are always orange with accents of cream, greens, and browns as needed but she can change outfits as fast as you can blink. She regularly swaps outfits in and out so she, the Pumpkin Queen, can look as on theme for what she is doing as possible.

 "Fear not my companions for it is I, the Pumpkin Queen." 

NamesPQ, She the Pumpkin Queen





Sexual Orientationn/a

Canon BirthdayFall


Design Notes

  • Pumpkin head is uncarved
  • Optional wings are bee shapped
  • Wears exclusively orange (green, cream, yellow, and brown as details)


Little is known of the Pumpkin Queen's actual origins. She, the Pumpkin Queen, has claimed a few times to be from "the patches" though no one has any idea where/what that is or once was.

Meeting Timrany

The two met like the Pumpkin Queen meets everyone; when a young mage, Timrany in this case, was in over their head and needed help. Timrany was seeking to help save a village from a curse devistating their lands but even though he had the power to stop it he just couldn't find the source. She, the Pumpkin Queen, appeared and offered to lend a hand and he took it, another mage to help out would be great. While their adventure was brief the Pumpkin Queen and Timrany got along so well and through hard trial together were able to break the curse.

They returned to the village with the great news and to a hero's welcome. Timrany went to introduce his companion only to discover her gone. While left with questions some part of him understood that this would always have been how it ended, she, the Pumpkin Queen, agreed to help and was not in search of the glory at the end.

Unbeknownst to either at the time, this marked the start of Timrany becoming the Divine of Knowlege and his journey to meet the other people who would form the Original Divine.

The Second Meeting

It was many, many, many years later when Timrany and the Pumpkin Queen met again. Timrany, the Divine of Knowledge, and his parter Rilas, the Divine of Romance, were in a tight spot; they were being actively hunted by a divine killer (unliving beings created to destroy the Divine) and neither was well enough to be able to defend themselves from the killer any longer. Unlike every other time, the Pumpkin Queen came to him again and offered her help. The Pumpkin Queen healed them as best as she could, gave them directions on a safe path away, and offered to stall for them as best as she, the Pumpkin Queen, could. Their interaction wasn't more than 5 minutes but for someone who had never been known to appear to someone more than once it was a special moment.

While Timrany and Rilas escaped the Pumpkin Queen faced off against the divine hunter. It was an epic showdown that no one else was there witness and in the end the Pumpkin Queen came out on top. A divine hunter, as powerful as they are, just can't beat something that predates what they hunt.

Other Fun Tidbits

  • The Pumpkin Queen is known to join ~wizard turnaments~ for funzies and help low level teams
  • Never helps the same group twice (cryptid wizard mary poppins lol)
  • She makes her young wizard friends do all the work but she provides support and buff spells to help them get the job done

Timrany, Divine of Knowledge

[ Friend ] While the Pumpkin Queen has many friends all over the world, Timrany takes great pride in being the only one ot know much about her. The two have crossed paths only twice but that is once more than anyone else can claim.

Timrany has invited the Pumpkin Queen to all kinds of wizard events, divine events, his own wedding and she, the Pumpkin Queen, hasn't attended any of them. Though, even if well after, the Pumpkin Queen always gets word back to him thanking for the invitation and sending along her excitement about his successes or gifts of congradulations.

The Pumpkin Queen knows that while he doesn't know her reasons for it he understands that she is working on something great. Timrany inevtiably hears about many of her adventures through the wizards, mages, and laypeople she has helped and who have in turn prayed to him about the great wisdom they receieved. A few times he has even gone out of his way to hear about someone's journey with the Pumpkin Queen in person.

They are both busy people searching for answers to riddles and questions and game respects game lol.

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